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时间:2016-11-29 11:59来源:毕业论文

关键词: 钢铁冶炼工艺;轧钢工艺;作业条件危险性分析;道化法;安全防范4047
Risk Analysis and Safety Measures in an Iron and Steel Smelting Process
Abstract: in the metallurgical industry, due to the complex production process and hard in a production environment, the scene of the homework workers always face many dangerous and harmful factors,some acute accident can cause serious harm.Based on the background, preliminary introduced the overall production process and the process of steelmaking process, focuses on the process of steel rolling production risk analysis and identification, using safety check list method, risk analysis and the operation condition make system by using the method of combining qualitative and quantitative analysis of the identification,to make a comparison on rolling process involved in the risk identification system complete analysis. Among these,the safety check list of the analyzed object contains the enterprise safety management system. Operating conditions of risk analysis mainly focuses on analysis of steel rolling in steel rolling production and gas producer job two parts. Using the said method mainly focuses on analysis of steel rolling production of fire explosion hazard.According to the results, analysis of the dangerous degree, and keep the "safety first, prevention first" policy in mind, present an opinion to unsafe hidden danger and operational recommendations and precautions,in order to protect the iron and steel enterprise operation workers’ safety.
Keywords: iron and steel smelting process;steel rolling process;LEC; monte-carlo;security guard
目  录
1.绪论    1
1.1 我国钢铁企业面临的现状    1
1.1.1 粗钢产量快速增长占全球比重不断增大    1
1.1.2 产品结构不断优化国产钢材市场占有率不断提高    1
1.1.3 技术进步取得重大进展自主创新能力逐步提高    1
1.1.4 联合重组步伐加快产业集中度不断提高    1
1.1.5 节能减排力度加大各项指标不断优化    2
1.1.6 淘汰落后加快推进    2
1.1.7 实施“走出去”战略    2
1.2 钢铁企业的生产危险性    2
1.2.1 烧伤或烫伤    2
1.2.2 爆炸    2
1.2.3 机械伤害    2
1.2.4 一氧化碳中毒    3
1.2.5 中暑    3
1.2.6 烟尘危害    3
1.2.7 眼部灼伤    3
1.2.8 噪声性耳聋    3
1.3 我国钢铁行业目前普遍存在的安全问题    3
1.3.1 安全管理基础依然薄弱    3
1.3.2 设备设施本质安全化水平不高    3
1.3.3 职工安全素质有待提高    4 钢铁冶炼工艺的危险性分析及安全防范对策:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_526.html