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时间:2019-04-30 21:08来源:毕业论文

Abstract  In this paper, the iron oxide from acid regeneration in BaoSteel was used as starting material. The surface modification methods were applied to improve its colour performance. Typically, XRD, SEM, XRF and SIZE were employed to test the change of micro-structure and morphology of iron oxide. The results indicated the iron oxide from BaoSteel was ascribed toα-Fe2O3,  and could be utilized to be the iron red pigment. When the polypropylene resin(PPR) was coated, the iron oxide with different specific surface area of 7 and 14m2/g could keep theα-Fe2O3. Moreover, the sample of BET7 with 6%, the sample of BET14:BET7(5:5)with 2%, the sample of BET14:BET7(6:4)with 2% PPR are similar to the commercial caile190, caile130 and Luoke.
Key words: iron oxide red ; modified; pigmentation degree;
 目 录
摘    要    1
1绪论    1
1.1 氧化铁红颜料概述    1
1.1.1 氧化铁红的晶型结构    1
1.1.2颜料氧化铁红的性质    2
1.1.3颜料氧化铁红的用途和研究现状    5
1.2 酸再生氧化铁红    7
1.2.1酸再生氧化铁红的工艺流程    7
1.2.2纯度和杂质含量对酸再生氧化铁粉的影响    10
1.2.3 BET对酸再生氧化铁粉的影响    10
1.3本论文主要研究内容    10
2实验部分    12
2.1 实验原料及实验仪器设备    12
2.2实验过程    13
2.2.1刮样操作步骤    13
2.2.2聚丙烯树脂改性    17
2.2.3 BET=14和BET=7不同比例混合    18
2.2.4硝酸改性    18
2.3表征手段    18
3结果与讨论    19
3.1酸再生氧化铁红和颜料铁红的对比性研究    19
3.1.1 XRD物相分析    19
3.1.2激光粒度仪分析    22
3.1.3 磁性能分析    25
3.1.4 SEM形貌分析    26
3.1.5 TEM分析    32
3.2水洗铁红的的改性研究    33
3.2.1BET=14和BET=7复配研究    33
3.2.2表面包覆改性    37
3.2.3 HCl消除反应    42
3.2.4本章小结    45
4结论    47
致谢    48
参考文献    48
1  绪论
1.1  氧化铁红颜料概述
    氧化铁红(Iron Oxide Red),化学式为Fe2O3,平常也被称为铁红、锈红和铁氧红等。氧化铁红有考证的是从两万年前开始使用,现在是工业上继钛白粉后的一种重要的无机颜料,呈红色或深红色无定型的粉末状。
1.1.1  氧化铁红的晶型结构
  α-Fe2O3的结构 酸再生氧化铁红的改性及着色力研究:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_32782.html