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时间:2018-06-07 21:56来源:毕业论文

关键词:晶界与位错  重位点阵(CSL) 晶界能  解理断裂能
Title  Molecular dynamics simulation of interaction between edge dislocations and grain boundary inα-Fe
Abstract In order to study the interaction between dislocations and grain boundaries, according to CSL coincidence site lattice model theory, through different crystal under two to the perfect crystal .There are some following conclusions: In the early tensile there is a linear relationship between the strain and energy. When the energy reaches a maximum value will be dramatically reduced and maintained at a fixed value. Representation after the grain boundary fractured, the energy of the system gradually stabilized. At the beginning of in the process of tension, the stress - strain also showed a linear relationship, when the strain to some degree, Showed that there are some twins in the grain boundary, and plastic deformation occurs. When the interaction between dislocations and grain,The lattice distortion region wide, common cause for grain boundaries and dislocations, as the applied stress, the lattice distortion area decreases, the grain boundary dislocation, the dislocation disappear, lattice distortion region to only grain boundary.
 Keywords   dislocations and grain     CSL coincidence site lattice   The grain boundary energy   Cleavage fracture energy
1 绪论    1
1.1课题研究的目的和意义    1
1.2晶界的概念    2
1.2.1晶界对材料的影响    2
1.2.2小角晶界    3
1.2.3大角晶界    3
1.2.4大角晶界能    4
1.2.5多晶材料的断裂    5
1.2.6γ面和解理断裂能    5
1.2.7晶界研究的意义    5
1.3重位点阵    5
1.4晶界-位错作用的研究意义    6
1.5势函数    7
1.5.1嵌入原子势(EAM)势    7
1.5.2. Finnis- Sinclair 势    7
1.6分子动力学的概念与方法    8
2 α铁中晶界的原子模拟    10
2.1 势函数选取    10
2.2 晶界结构模型建立    10
2.3能量的计算    13
2.3.1晶界能    13
2.3.2模拟拉伸和晶界的解理断裂能    14
3. 晶界与位错相互作用的分子动力学模拟    18
3.1 模型建立    18
结论    22
参考文献    23
致谢    26
1 绪论
    反应堆压力容器(RPV)是放置堆芯和堆内构件,防止放射性外逸的重要屏障,是核电站反应堆内最大的且不可更换的关键部件,核电站的服役寿命主要决定于反应堆压力容器的服役寿命。反应堆压力容器的运行条件非常恶劣,除了承受高温、高压、流体冲刷、腐蚀等作用外,强烈的中子辐照也将使材料的性能不断恶化。所以压力容器材料的机械性能不仅是建造时的主要设计参数,也是在役辐照监督的重要考核指标。引起压力容器失效的因素很多,包括腐蚀、疲劳、蠕变等,但威胁最大的是中子辐照引起钢的脆化,导致发生突然性的脆性破坏。其特点是断裂应力低于屈服强度、断裂之前没有塑性变形征兆、裂纹失稳后迅即扩展而断裂,后果十分严重,是绝对不能允许发生的。因而世界各国都对反应堆压力容器的韧性进行了严格的规定。目前大多数水冷动力堆的压力容器采用低合金铁素体钢制成,美国、日本和欧洲都是使用相近化学成分的MnMoNi系钢,我国也同样使用A508-3钢。这类材料经受中子辐照后会产生脆化效应,韧性降低,无塑性转变温度升高。从二十世纪优尔十年代开始,反应堆压力容器钢的中子辐照脆化问题就一直受到人们的高度关注。 α铁中刃型位错与晶界相互作用的分子动力学模拟:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_17164.html