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时间:2023-03-08 22:40来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键字   密度泛函理论  分子吸附  电荷转移  分子自组装

毕 业 设 计 论 文 外 文 摘 要

Title    A computational investigation of stability and structure for Organic molecules self-assembly on graphene 

Abstact 源-于,优Y尔E论W文.网wwW.yOueRw.com 原文+QQ752018`766

Graphene has large-scale application in nanoelectronic device for its great electronic properties。 Many research showed that we can tune and modify the electronic properties of graphene by depositing organic molecules。 We have investigated the absorption of TCNQ and F4-TCNQ and their self-assembly on monolayer graphene using GGA function with TS correction basd on density functional theory。 We found the most stable adsorption configuration, and obtained that there are charge transfer from graphene to molecules, which represents p-doping。 Meanwhile, we compared our results with others obtained by LDA function to contrast these two function。 The self-assembly structure has been verified to be influenced largely by the intermolecular interaction。

Key Words    Density functional theory   Molecular adsorption   Charge transfer   Molecular self-assembly


目   次

1 引言  1 

 1。1 石墨烯的特点和应用 1

 1。2 石墨烯电子性能的调控 2

 1。3 有机分子在石墨烯上的自组装 6

 1。4 密度泛函理论(DFT)  9

 1。5 本课题的研究内容和目的11

2 计算过程 12

 2。1模型建立 12

 2。2参数设置 12

3 结果与讨论 14

 3。1 单个TCNQ和F4-TCNQ分子在石墨烯上的吸附 14

  3。1。1吸附能计算结果 14

  3。1。2电学性能分析 15

 3。2 TCNQ和F4-TCNQ在石墨烯上的自组装  16 

  3。2。1分子间相互作用 16

  3。2。2吸附能计算结果 17

  3。2。3自组装结构分析 18

  3。2。4电学性能分析 19

结论 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23From+优`尔^文W网wWw.YouErw.com 加QQ75201^8766


