
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 材料科学 >


时间:2022-12-15 23:08来源:毕业论文





Abstract Under high temperature working conditions, the oxidation resistance of TiAl based alloy is insufficient。 When the temperature is higher than 850, the oxidation resistance of the alloy decreases rapidly。 In this paper, the high temperature oxidation coating was prepared on the surface of titanium aluminum base alloy Ti-48Al-2Cr-2Nb by atmospheric plasma spraying technology (APS), and the coating structure was NiCoCrAl/ZrO2 composite coating。 The orthogonal experiment was carried out to optimize the spraying process parameters, and the coating hardness was measured by the full automatic micro hardness tester。

Test results show that when the bottom process parameters are: spraying distance 110mm, spraying current 750A, spraying voltage 45V, main gas flow 60psi, powder feeding amount of 0。85r/min, the process parameters of ceramic layer: spraying distance of 110, current 850A spray, spray voltage 50V, primary gas flow 60psi, send volume fly 1。2/min, spray 4 times, NiCoCrAl/ZrO2 composite coatings are optimized, the bonding strength of 55。80MPa。

In this paper, thermal shock test and electrochemical test were used to compare the thermal shock resistance and corrosion resistance of different materials and processes。 The thermal shock resistance of ceramic coatings is better than that of 20 C ~800 C, the crack originated from the base material near the coating。 The corrosion resistance of the base material is much higher than that of the coating material, and the bottom layer is similar to that of the ceramic coating。 The influence of the coating thickness on the corrosion resistance of the coating was small, and the corrosion resistance of the coating was significantly improved after the coating sprayed with plasma flame。

Keywords: TiAl-based alloy; APS; ceramic coating; resistance to high temperature oxidation

目  录

第一章  绪论 1

1。1 选题背景和意义 1

1。2 等离子喷涂技术的发展 1

1。3 等离子喷涂原理及特点 3

1。4 钛铝基合金的特点及应用 4

1。4。1 钛铝基合金的优点 4

1。4。2 钛铝基合金的不足 4

1。5 钛铝基合金的高温氧化防护 4

1。5。1 合金化 TiAl基合金等离子喷涂制备抗高温氧化涂层:http://www.youerw.com/cailiao/lunwen_110263.html
