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更新时间:2010-7-19:  来源:毕业论文
人才流失外文参考文献译文及原文 第6页
 Emphasizes "Humanist" Management culture
From another angle, enterprise culture refers to the existence and development of enterprises, which have been embodied in the relations among the people, and the universally recognized values and codes of conduct, competition among enterprises is that the competition among talents, In today's competitive society, who have the talent, will have a rival to contend with the capital. Modern enterprise management of the most important characteristics is a great importance to the r本文来自优*文|论.文|网ole, emphasizing a people-oriented management thinking. A people-oriented management idea is not simple to a certain individual or a certain group of people-oriented, but to the staff, customers and the community-based organic combination of the three, and give full consideration to the difference between their position, It is not a simple material to encourage this, nor is it simple to caring - oriented, but to create Schonberg, train people-centered, people not only to provide development opportunities, but also to be cultivated into useful; is not a short-term emphasis on people-centered, but the long-term implementation of respect for the people. From the beginning of the "rule of man" evolution of the "rule of law" and then to "the management" staff imperceptible to accept, endorsed enterprises, safeguarding enterprises.

Therefore regarding the talented person, the our country private enter preneurs not only must eagerly seek people of talent, no matter what virtuous lifts only then, the sincere treatment, must have the heavy only then heart, be a good judge of character brightly, with only then slightly, accommodates only then the quantity. Private enterprise is now a high rate of brain drain 毕业论文http://www.youerw.comis only a surface, hidden behind the institutional, regulatory, cultural and many other factors, Private entrepreneurs should pay adequate attention.

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