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更新时间:2010-7-19:  来源:毕业论文
外文参考文献译文及原文 第5页
Implements person this management
The management of people with the basic meaning of the human characteristics of the re-nurture stimulates and use, and give full play to the positive role of human nature. Remove the negative effects of human nature; human nature is applied philosophy of education staff learns to be a person to do an active person. Because the management are the main person, followed by the Object Management While both human and material. But right from the management depends on the management, in the final analysis, or the management of people, so management is the main object of the issue. From the "economic man" assumption that the scientific management, based on the "social" hypothetical behavior management, then based on the "self-realization" of the assumptions management, and in recent years the cultural management, The people have shown increasing management by management scholars. Therefore, our private enterprises must adhere to the "people-oriented" management philosophy, the relationships between self and personnel to the location, equal relations of cooperation always reflected in the operation of enterprises process, the different interests to the needs and characteristics take different measures on its own initiative to encourage them and help them grow and give them enough space arena, so that they can really have "ownership" of responsibility, thus producing enterprises with the same fate, and to breathe the mission, thus truly loyal to mold the talent to enterprises. Can also establish a common vision, which arose from a common vision, and consciously into corporate culture, and Enterprises can be coordinated with talent and values. "Management" is also embodied in the right to operate the dominant position of the perpetrators who, So private entrepreneurs should focus on the development of strategic planning and personnel training in the big problem, and the operating personnel down to, give them enough display space for personal talents and powers to allow enterprises to become talents to play intelligent arena. Practice has proved that entrepreneurs are authorized to trust the best talent performance, Private entrepreneurs through authorized to be good at retaining talents. Smart managers, is to give a certain amount of power and position, so that people can realize their value in life, and the successful developme本文来自优*文|论.文|网nt of enterprises to achieve the best of both worlds in 1998. To stimulate private enterprise and the use of talents will Maslow's "demand level" theory to look at "the management" Because people participate in the work, we should not only for material treatment, more for the sake of the dignity and spirit of self-worth. Therefore, China's private enterprises in the implementation "of the management" can take the spirit of inspiration and material incentives combined manner.
3.3 Cultivates the advanced enterprise culture
During enterprise culture infiltration enterprise is all activities, also is aloof above enterprise's all activities. The new moon makes the positive health upward enterprise culture, was equal to the enterprise had the continuously development power. The foundation belongs own has this enterprise characteristic the enterprise culture, already now has important issue which the certain scale the Chinese privately operated enterprise has no alternative but to face and to overstep, the privately operated enterprise cultivates belongs to own enterprise culture, is long-term, the difficult process, must have the new mentality, the new method, only has carries on the effective work, passes through endeavor which difficult, perseveres, can obtain the ideal result.
3.3.1 Cultivation innovation culture
Innovation is an eternal enterprise development issues, is the driving force enterprises original. If an enterprise nemeses such as forests competition, maintain a sustained, healthy development momentum, depends on whether or not the establishment of a culture of innovation, has to contend with the opponent's strength. Innovation, management, technical and institutional innovations. Management Innovation, a private enterprise, not a fixed model, today's enterprises are an information technology industry and the rapid development of the industrial era, This requires enterprise management must also follow undergoing fundamental changes, business decision-making, personnel management, quality manageme毕业论文http://www.youerw.comnt, knowledge management, financial management, marketing management, management skills they must follow the corresponding changes and innovations. Technical innovation, technological innovation of enterprises forming the key to competitive advantage, which the enterprise is the leading core technology, The success of the enterprises to a major step. System innovation, system innovation, enterprise culture is an important part of cultivating innovative enterprise culture, The system also needs constant innovation. Private enterprises are mostly family-owned enterprises, in order to adapt to the modern enterprise management needs, All those with a certain scale of private enterprises, should proceed from the actual conditions of their own, from expanding its own power, proceed to strengthen competitiveness, companies take the road system, which is the private enterprise system lies in the direction of innovation.
3.3.2 Improve the entrepreneur own quality
The privately operated enterprise's success or not, in the very great degree is decided by the entrepreneur or boss individual cultural quality and the ideological level, in its essence the entrepreneur culture one kind manifests, now privately operated enterprise culture, deeply brand mark entrepreneur's simple personality thought and management idea. Cultivates the privately operated enterprise the enterprise culture, in the essence is a copy process, is privately operated enterprise's initiating hangs Fan, the education through oneself, gives the area own values duplication the process. In this process, private entrepreneur’s quality plays the key role, therefore, the entrepreneur should positively strengthen as enterprise's founder to own quality raise.

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