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时间:2023-12-10 15:18来源:毕业论文



Abstract:In the twenty-first Century, people’s demands for science and technology have been continuously improved。 With the improvement of people’s living conditions, high fidelity audio equipment and high-end home theater are also gradually rising。 This paper uses the OTL audio power amplifier circuit and power amplifier circuit TDA2030two audio amplifier for comparison, the former using 2N3904 complementary amplifier and 2N2907 power amplifier, which consists of TDA2030 power amplifier integrated circuit to realize power amplification, and through the corresponding calculation formula to calculate power table, which can be used to compare the efficiency of。 The analog circuit experiment byMultisim10。0 simulation software is made, through the oscilloscope to observe the aided analysis of the theory, and the experimental circuit performance simulation is carried out, finally the actual experimental results and the theoretical analysis and simulation results。 The feasibility of the experiment is verified。

Keywords: multisim10。0, OTL, tda2030poweramplifier, audio power amplifier, high efficiency

1 绪论 5

1。1 音频放大器设计背景 5

1。2 音频放大器的发展 5

1。3 音频放大器设计内容及意义 6

1。3。1 论文主要内容 6

1。3。2 研究的意义 6

2 OTL音频功率放大器 6

2。1 乙类功放 6

2。1。1 乙类功率放大器计算 8

2。1。2 乙类功率放大器的仿真 9

2。2 OTL功放 10

2。2。1 模拟OTL功率放大电路的原理 10

2。2。2 OTL功率放大器的电路特点 11

2。2。3 OTL功率放大器的仿真 11

2。2。4 OTL功率放大器计算 13

3 D类功放 13
