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时间:2024-02-20 20:21来源:毕业论文

摘 要:近些年来我们国家的学生近视的发病率在连续上升,在这些许许多多的近视的学生中,中学生所占比例最大。分析影响近视的相关因素,可以更好地加强中学生的视力防治能力,提高学生的预防近视的意识,提高中学生整体视力健康水平,有效降低近视率。本次于2017年上半学期对常州市社渚中学的学生进行了调问卷调查,内容包括:年级,性别,父母近视,每天晚上学习时间是否超过10:30,每天连续学习时间是否超过2小时,平时是否注意保持正确的书写姿势,长时间用眼后是否远眺,每周体育锻炼的频率,一天进行体育锻炼的时间,发现视力下降后是否及时纠正。结果发现中学生的近视情况不是很乐观,需要加强防治措施。94071


Abstract:In recent years, the incidence of myopia in our country has risen continuously。 Among the many students with myopia, the proportion of middle school students is the largest。 Analysis of factors related to myopia, can strengthen the ability of students to prevent and control, improve students' awareness of prevention of myopia, improve the health of middle school students, reduce myopia effectively。 This year in the first half of 2017 on the Changzhou City, the middle school students were conducted a questionnaire survey, including: grade, gender, parental myopia, learning time is more than 10:30 every night, continuous study time every day is more than 2 hours continuously , pay attention to keep the correct writing posture, look far into the distance with the overlooking, the frequency of physical exercise every week, a day of physical exercise time, found that after the vision is corrected in time。 The results found that high school students’ myopia situation is not very optimistic and need to strengthen prevention and control measures。

Keywords:secondary school students, myopia, investigation and analysis, prevention

目  录

1 前言 3

2 对象与方法 3

2.1 调查对象 3

2.2 方法 3

2.3 诊断标准 3

2.4 统计方法 4

3 结果 4

3。1 总体情况 4

3。2 近视成因调查结果汇总 4

3。2。1 遗传因素 4

3。2。2环境因素 5

4 结果分析 6

4.1 遗传因素 6

4。1。1 父母近视与孩子近视 6

4.2 环境因素 6

4。2。1 用眼强度与中学生近视 6

4。2。2 用眼卫生与中学生近视 7

4。2。3 体育锻炼与中学生近视 7

4。2。4 视力下降及时纠正情况与中学生近视 7

5 近视的防治 8

5。1 积极进行用眼卫生方面的宣传和组织学生做眼保健操 8

5。2 改善教室照明环境且合理调换座位 8

5。3 减少学业压力与科学规划教学课程 8

5。4 组织学生参加户外和体育锻炼 常州市溧阳社渚中学初中生近视的发病状况与分析:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_202041.html
