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时间:2018-07-20 21:46来源:毕业论文

Study on Interaction of Multiple Subjects in the Implementation of Serious Illness Medical Insurance from the Perspective of Social Policy——Take D Town of Tai zhou City as an Example
Abstract: The medical security system in our country plays a role to prevent the impoverishment, in this paper, the author on the principal agent model, multiple benefits theory and policy research from the perspective of theory, the Taizhou city D town residents conducted in-depth interviews, context dependent behavioral interaction between research in medical illness in the process of policy implementation the government, urban residents, insurance companies and medical institutions of the four subject and multiple subjects in interaction is to analyze the medical insurance policy problems exist, to provide suggestions for the medical system, in order to develop and perfect the medical insurance system,  and protect the people well.
Key words: Serious illness medical system; Policy process perspective; Behavior interaction
目  录
摘要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words     1
一、导论    2
(一)研究缘起    2
(二)研究意义    2
二、相关研究与文献回顾    2
(一)国外相关文献回顾    2
(二)国内相关文献回顾    3
(三)文献述评    4
三、研究设计    4
(一)个案状况    4
(二)研究方法    5
(三)大病医疗保险制度的理论基础分析    5
(四)理论分析框架构建    6
四、大病医疗保险政策实施过程中多元主体互动研究    7
(一)政策过程中多元主体的互动研究    7
(三)多元主体在互动期间所受到的情境制约    9
五、政策过程的动态模型归纳    10
优尔、结论与政策建议    10
(一)加强政府的责任和引导意识    11
(二)加强保险公司的服务意识    11
(三)规范定点医疗机构的行为    11
(四)加强城镇居民的政治意识    11
致谢    11
参考文献    11
附录:访谈提纲    13
为有效防止因病致贫,我国实施大病医疗保险制度,通过向商业保险机构购买大病保险服务,以城镇居民基本医疗保险、新农合的参保人为保障人群,除去基本医疗保险补偿,对参保人因患大病而产生大额医疗费用需要自己承担的合规医疗费用给予报销。尤其是在城镇化的过程中,解决好城镇人口的医疗保障问题,满足广大城镇人口的医疗卫生保障需求,将直接影响到我国的经济发展和社会稳定。 社会政策视角下大病医疗保险实施中的多元主体互动研究:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_19966.html