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时间:2023-10-04 20:58来源:毕业论文

摘要:目的 了解杭州市10家三甲医院肿瘤科、呼吸内科和心血管科的医生与住院患者控烟认知、意愿及行为,为改善现状提供科学依据。方法 运用非参数秩和检验和Spearman等级相关性分析数据。结果 医生认知条目共5条,正确率最高的是70。0%,患者认知条目共6个,正确率最高的是58。9%;83。1%的医生总是愿意询问患者吸烟史,83。6%的医生总是愿意在病历中记录吸烟史,34。7%的医生总是愿意询问吸烟患者戒烟意愿,51。2%的医生总是愿意劝告吸烟患者戒烟,81。2%的患者想过戒烟;参加过戒烟培训的医生只有11。3%且只有2。3%的医生认为自己完全具备戒烟知识和技能,81。0%的患者只靠意志力戒烟。结论 医患双方控烟认知都不高,医生控烟意愿不高而患者控烟意愿较居民高,医生控烟服务能力弱。将控烟教育加入医学生本科培养方案,鼓励医生参加学习班,使用大众媒体向患者普及控烟知识;将控烟纳入医生的考核机制,降低戒烟药物价格和开设戒烟门诊来解决当前存在的问题。85433

Abstract: Objective Understand the tobacco control cognition, will and behavior of doctors and inpatients in ten Top three hospitals of Hangzhou, Oncology, Respiration Medicine and Cardiovascular, to provide scientific basis for improving the present situation。 Methods Use none parameter rank and summing test and Spearman ranking correlation to analyze data。 Results Clause’s highest score is 70。0% of 5 doctors’ cognition and 58。9% of 6 inpatients’。 83。1% of the doctors are always willing to ask the inpatients’ smoking history。 And 83。6% are always willing to record the history of smoking in the medical records。 34。7% are always willing to ask the smoking inpatients to quit smoking。 51。2% are always willing to advise smokers to quit smoking。 81。2% of patients wanted to quit smoking。 Not only in the participation of smoking cessation training doctors accounted for only 11。3% but only 2。3% of doctors think they are fully equipped with the knowledge and skills of smoking cessation。 81。0% inpatients quit smoking by themselves。 Conclusion Both doctors and inpatients are not aware of tobacco control cognition。 Doctors' will to control tobacco is not high。 However, inpatients’ wishes are higher than the average of residents in Hangzhou。 Doctors’ smoke control service capacity is weak。 By adding tobacco control to undergraduate medical students’ training program, encouraging doctors to join classes, using mass media to advertise tobacco control knowledge with inpatients, adding smoking control to doctors’ appraisal mechanism, reducing price of smoking cessation drugs and establishing smoking cessation clinic solve problem at present。

毕业论文关键词:控烟认知; 控烟意愿; 控烟认知

Keyword:tobacco control cognition; tobacco control will; tobacco control behavior

目    录

1对象与方法 6

1。1研究对象 6

1。2研究方法 6

1。2。1文献资料法 6

1。2。2问卷调查法 6

1。2。3数理统计法 7

1。2。4技术路线 7

2结果与分析 8

2。1调查对象基本情况 8

2。1。1医生基本情况 8

2。1。2患者基本情况 9

2。2医患双方控烟认知及影响因素分析 10

2。2。1医生控烟认知情况 杭州市10家三甲医院医患双方控烟认知意愿及行为的研究:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_196995.html
