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时间:2023-09-13 22:02来源:毕业论文

摘    要研究目的  通过了解杭州市离退休干部的轻度认知功能障碍及其相关行为现状,探讨杭州市离退休干部轻度认知功能障碍(以下简称MCI)患病率、认知损伤特点及MCI影响因素,并提出相应的防治策略。 

研究方法  采用方便抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法,随机抽取≥65岁的杭州市离退休干部350人,并对其进行健康因素及行为问卷调查、认知筛查,根据MoCA得分分为MCI组和认知正常组,比较两组的认知现状及相关行为特点,探讨MCI的认知损伤特点,并进行回归分析,查找影响MCI发生发展的可控危险因素。 90240

研究结果 ①杭州市离退休干部老年人群的MCI患病率为48%,两组在年龄、婚姻、高血压、舒张压、糖尿病、高脂血症、脑卒中、体育锻炼、社会活动、老年抑郁健康因素与日常行为比较差异具有统计学意义(p<0。05); ②MCI组的认知总分及认知各维度分数均明显低于认知正常组(p<0。05); ③认知正常组与MCI组的认知总分随着不良健康因素和不良日常行为个数的增多而降低(p<0。05),在认知各维度,MCI组的抽象、延迟回忆、定向分数也随着不良健康因素和不良日常行为个数的增多而降低(p<0。05);④两次回归表明年龄、高血压、不参加体育锻炼、不参与社会活动、脑卒中是轻度认知功能障碍的危险因素,高血压是最重要的独立危险因素(p<0。05)。 

研究结论  杭州市离退休干部的MCI患病率明显高出杭州市普通老年人群,除高龄外,高血压、不参加体育锻炼、不参与社会活动是独立危险因素。因此,在今后的干部保健中,应当重视对离退休干部老年人群的认知筛查,尤其是心血管高危人群的认知筛查,并制定相应的防治策略。

毕业论文关键词:轻度认知功能障碍; 危险因素; 离退休干部

Abstract Objective To discuss the prevalence, the characteristics of cognitive impairment and the influencing factors of MCI among retired cadres in Hangzhou by studying the mild cognitive impairment and related behavior status of retired cadres in Hangzhou。 

Methods The combination of convenience sampling and cluster sampling method was used to extract 350 retired cadres in Hangzhou aged 65 years old or above at random, and carry out health factors and behaviors questionnaire surveys and cognitive screening。 Divide them into MCI group and cognitive normal group according to MoCA scores, compare the Cognitive status and related behavior characteristic of the two groups and discuss the characteristics of cognitive impairment of MCI。 Regression analysis is used to find the controllable risk factors which can influence the occurrence and development of MCI。

Results ①The prevalence of MCI among retired cadres in Hangzhou is 48%。There is statistically difference of age, marriage, high blood pressure, diastolic blood pressure, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, cerebral apoplexy, physical exercise, social activities ,geriatric depression health factors and daily behavior comparison ;②The cognitive scores and each cognitive dimension score of MCI group are Significantly lower than cognitive normal group(p<0。05);③The cognitive scores of both two groups decrease with the increase of the number of the unhealthy factors and unhealthy daily behaviors(p<0。05),as well as the scores of abstraction, delayed recall and directional fraction of MCI group。 ④Two regression analysis indicate that age, hypertension, lacking of physical exercise and social activities, cerebral apoplexy are the risk factor of mild cognitive impairment, high blood pressure is the most important independent risk factor(p<0。05)。

Conclusion The prevalence of MCI among retired cadres in Hangzhou is significantly higher than general elderly population in Hangzhou。 Except advanced age, hypertension, lacking of physical exercise and social activities are controllable independent risk factors。 Therefore, great attention should be paid to the cognitive screening of retired cadres and formulate corresponding control strategy in the future cadre healthcare, especially cardiovascular high-risk group。 杭州市离退休干部轻度认知功能障碍现状及其影响因素分析:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_196090.html
