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时间:2023-09-21 22:41来源:毕业论文

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目的:了解杭州市大学生健康素养、健康相关行为及其生命质量的现状,探索健康素养水平及健康相关行为对大学生生命质量的影响路径,从而为提升大学生健康素养水平,帮助大学生养成良好的健康行为,提高生命质量提出对策。方法:采用以“2008年中国公民健康素养调查问卷”为基础自行设计的大学生健康素养问卷、中国青少年健康相关行为调查问卷(大学)以及SF-36健康调查量表,对研究对象进行研究,采用方差分析比较不同人口学特征下的大学生生命质量得分的差异,采用多重线性回归的方法研究不同健康相关行为对生命质量的影响程度,采用结构方程模型分析三者之间的影响路径。结果:1。信效度检验结果良好;2。在所调查的大学生中,健康素养具备率低,饮食习惯较好,睡眠习惯欠佳,运动量缺乏。吸烟率低,饮酒率较高。杭州市大学生生命质量平均得分为(64。87±25。23),得分较高的是“生理机能”和“社会功能”,得分最低的是“精力”;3。 健康基本知识、健康生活方式通过健康相关行为间接影响生理和心理综合得分。结论:杭州市大学生健康素养水平偏低,健康相关行为状况总体上不太理想,生命质量一般,精力严重不足,但是仍有很大提升空间。对生命质量影响较大的因素分别为健康素养水平、饮食习惯、锻炼行为、饮酒行为。健康素养对健康相关行为有直接效应,并通过健康相关行为对生命质量产生间接效应。建议加强健康素养相关课程的建设与开展,创建良好的锻炼环境,推行差异化健康干预计划。90397


Abstract Objective: To understand the current situation of health literacy, health-related behaviors and quality of life of college students in Hangzhou, to explore the impact of health literacy and health-related behaviors on the quality of life of college students, so as to improve the health literacy of college students and help students develop good health Behavior, improve the quality of life to put forward countermeasures。 

Methods: A questionnaire was designed based on the questionnaire of Chinese college students' healthy literacy questionnaire (2008), the questionnaire on the health of young people in China, and the SF-36 health survey scale。 The subjects were studied。 The variance analysis was used to compare the scores of life quality scores of college students under different demographic characteristics。 The multiple linear regression method was used to study the effect of different health-related behaviors on the quality of life。 The structural equation was used to analyze the influence path between the three。 Results: 1。 The validity test results are good。 2。 In the survey of college students, health literacy with low rate, good eating habits, poor sleep habits, lack of exercise。 Smoking rate is low, drinking rate is higher。 The average score of life quality of college students in Hangzhou is (64。87 ± 25。23), the higher scores are "physiological function" and "social function", the lowest score is "energy"。 3。 Health basic knowledge, healthy lifestyle through health-related behavior indirectly affect the physiological and psychological comprehensive score。

Conclusion: The low level of health literacy of college students in Hangzhou is not ideal, and the quality of life is generally insufficient, but there is still a lot of room for improvement。 The factors that affect the quality of life were health literacy level, eating habits, exercise behavior, drinking behavior。 Health literacy has a direct effect on health-related behavior and has an indirect effect on quality of life through health-related behavior。 It is recommended to strengthen the construction and development of health-related courses, create a good training environment, and implement a differentiated health intervention program。 杭州市大学生健康素养健康相关行为及其生命质量的路径分析:http://www.youerw.com/yixue/lunwen_196323.html
