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时间:2022-05-31 19:53来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:     综合材料: 装置作品: 《门》; 运用

The Application of Composite Materials in Equipment Works

Abstract:  With the development and progress of the times, people's material quality of life has been improved, spiritual life has also been developing, people's pursuit of culture and art is also getting higher and higher。 The art of installation as a "venue + material + emotion" of the comprehensive display of art, but also for more and more people know and appreciate。 The comprehensive material is a vibrant visual language created by the organic use of various materials in artistic creation, and is a new development of art materials。 This paper mainly discusses the application of the composite material in the installation works, and explains the 

application of the composite material in the installation works through the creation process and the final presentation of the work。 First through the sculpture mud to complete the basic works of the installation of the device to create the original form of work; and then use the toothpick and 502 glue on the sculpture of the work to further create the toothpick in accordance with the different proportion of sticky clay in the clay; Sticky toothpicks for paint spraying, for the works to create a different color; Finally, grinding with the work of grinding, so that the installation works look more refined and color。

Key words:    General material: installation works: "door"; use


一、 绪论 4

二、 装置作品中的材料运用  4

三、 装置作品《门》的创作过程  4

3。1设计灵感 4

3。2制作过程 6

3。3 功能及使用  7

3。4创作感受 8

四、 结论   8

五、致谢  9

六、参考文献  9




  在装置作品中的材料是整个艺术作品的灵感的承载体,通过选取材料的不同表现中心思想也是多姿多彩。随着对艺术的包容性越来越大,选取材料的范围也是越来越广。大多数的材料选取于日常生活,艺术来源于生活,却高于生活。通过我们每天能够见到的材料来进行艺术创作更方便人们对艺术品的理解而且能够拥有感同身受的艺术体验。将平日里琐碎甚至毫无用处的事物赋予新的价值和涵义,或者通过物理化学的方法,将原本的材料转化为新的材料,但是其本质还是我们能够所熟知的。艺术家对于材料的运用是将这些看似普通的客观事物,加以艺术建构以后成为以现实为目的一个新的艺术符号,从而给人们带来新的视觉享受和心灵冲击,提升到艺术的高度。因此材料是装置艺术的灵魂,如果装置作品失去了材料,那么整部作品也就失去了灵魂无法完成。 综合材料在装置作品中的运用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_94651.html
