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时间:2022-04-07 22:02来源:毕业论文



毕业论文关键词: 连续梁桥;箱形截面;双柱式桥墩;迈达斯

Summary:The design of the bridge is located in Hunan Yueyang Qikang Road, the project across the North River in Yueyang City, the tributary of Nanhu, split two areas, the bridge is located in the South Lake Scenic Area, the bridge landscape requirements are higher, through a wide range of comparison。 Taking into account the actual situation of the bridge, the use of continuous box girder structure design。

Based on the structural analysis, structural effect, landscape effect, economy, construction difficulty, construction period, construction time, construction time, construction time, (5 × 30) prestressed concrete continuous box girder structure is used to analyze the impact of construction on the environment。 The main beam adopts the box section, the beam height is the height, the main beam adopts the prefabricated construction method。 Piers are used double-column piers, the foundation for the bored pile foundation。

The design process utilizes both Midas and Pen calculations at the same time, verifying each other。

Key words: Continuous beam bridge; box section; double column piers;

目  录

1。绪论 5

1。1 预应力混凝土连续梁桥概述 5

1。2 毕业设计的目的与意义 8

2、设计资料 9

2。1、桥梁概况 9

2。2、设计参数 9

2。3、技术条件 9

2。4、设计要求 10

2。5、规范标准 ``11

3、桥跨总体布置及结构尺寸拟定 12

3。1本桥主料材料 12

3。1。1 混凝土 12

3。1。2 预应力钢绞线 12

3。2尺寸拟定 12

3。3 技术标准 12

3。4 截面形式 13

3。4。1 立截面 13

3。4。2 横截面 14

3。5 梁高 14

  3。6截面尺寸 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。15 

4。荷载内力计算 17

4。1 恒载内力计算 17

4。2 主梁分段与施工方法 17

4。2。1分段原则 预应力砼连续箱梁结构引桥设计+CAD图纸:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_92152.html
