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时间:2022-01-27 22:32来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关 键 词:董其昌,王铎,书法风格,平淡天真,深奥奇变

Abstract:Ming and Qing Dynasties, the development of arts and culture is very prosperous, which formed a calligraphy in this area both trends, one is represented by Dong Qichang, along the direction of Xi Ming Shang state, the pursuit of "plain naive," the mood, show a Hideitsu, Apprehension calligraphic style; while the other trend is based on the Huang daozhou, Ni Yuanlu, Wang Duo and other man-made on behalf of, at the time a respected anti beautiful calligraphic style, to create bold, straight from the heart, and Wang Duo calligraphy show a more "Peculiar weird。" Dong Qichang and Wang Duo dicarboxylic clever combination of innovative spirit and its tradition of excellence the king a pulse together, so that they occupy an important page in the history of calligraphy。 This paper describes Dong Qichang, Wang Duo calligraphy style and the two analyzes lead them to different styles of calligraphy reasons, although they are modeled after the "two kings", but not rigidly adhere to the ancients, another way, the same thing, opening a new chapter in the history of calligraphy 。

Keywords:Dong Qichang,Wang Duo, calligraphic style,, plain naive deep change

目  录

1  前言 5

2  二王一脉的书风对董其昌、王铎的影响 5

2。1  二王书风笼罩下的董其昌 5

2。2  二王书风对王铎的影响 6

3  董其昌的书法风格——平淡天真 7

3。1  用笔的关键在于“虚灵” 7

3。2  结体精微、章法疏朗 7

3。3  用墨淡润 7

4  王铎的书法风格——奇崛怪异 8

4。1  笔法张弛有度 8

4。2  字形追求欹侧变化 8

4。3  涨墨入书沉着痛快 8

4。4  章法气韵连贯 9

5  董其昌、王铎书风迥异的原因 9

5。1  董其昌、王铎的生活经历 9

5。2  董其昌、王铎的书学观 9

6   董其昌、王铎的书法对后世的影响 11

结  论 13

参 考 文 献 14

致谢 15

1  前言

明代嘉靖年间至明代末年,是中国文明发展史上一个重要的历史时期。这一时期禅宗思想非常盛行,无论是在哪个方面都表现出一股强烈的个性解放思想,而中国书法史上也掀起一股前所未有的变革潮流,在这个思潮中,书坛最具代表性的人物有徐渭、董其昌、黄道周、倪元璐、王铎等人。其中被誉为“南董北王”的董其昌、王铎二人虽师承相似,但他们的书法风格却截然不同。即便如此,二人在当时书坛上也掀起了一阵变革潮流,并以鲜明的个性开辟了书法史上的新篇章。论文网 师承二王另辟蹊径董其昌王铎书法风格之比较:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_89061.html
