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时间:2021-12-27 20:05来源:毕业论文
韵之阁是一所新中式的餐厅,属于一个功能比较全面,以就餐,休闲娱乐为一 体的综合性餐厅。在餐厅的具体设计实施中本方案结合中国现代文化中的梅花,仕女,山 水画,材料上采用

摘要:“韵之阁”是一所新中式的餐厅,属于一个功能比较全面,以就餐,休闲娱乐为一 体的综合性餐厅。在餐厅的具体设计实施中本方案结合中国现代文化中的梅花,仕女,山 水画,材料上采用抛光砖,文化砖,镂空隔断,屏风等现代元素,秉承对传统文化的崇敬, 将一些现代的元素融入进去,用现代的审美需求来创造富传统神韵,格调高雅,造型简谱, 色彩醇厚。以淡黄和白为基调,注入中式的风雅意境,散发出淡然悠远的人文气韵。中式 餐厅在布局上十分讲究空间的层次感。中式元素与现代材质的巧妙结合,表达出清雅秀美 的东方式精神境界。设计协调统一,现代的中国风与时尚完美的结合,显示出江苏淮安璀璨 文化,引人入胜,高贵典雅。新中式餐厅设计,注重的是对于心境的一个释放,缓解人们 的社会压力而设置一个宁静清闲的餐厅。新中式餐厅集各种功能于一体,中式元素的装饰 更是从外观和内涵上都给人以新的体验。76369


Abstract:The plum blossom Pavilion "Rhyme" is a new Chinese restaurant, which belongs to a function more comprehensive, dining, leisure and entertainment as one integrated restaurant。 The restaurant of the specific design and implementation of the scheme is a combination of modern Chinese culture, ladies, landscape painting, material on the polishing brick, cultural brick, hollow partition, screen and other modern elements, uphold the traditional culture of respect, some modern elements into account, with modern aesthetic needs to create rich traditional charm, elegant style, modeling notation, color and mellow。 Pale yellow and white as the keynote, the note into the Chinese artistic conception, exudes indifferent to the distant humanistic spirit。 The Chinese restaurant in the layout Is very particular about the level of spatial sense。 The ingenious combination of Chinese elements and modern materials, the expression of a beautiful elegant oriental spiritual realm。 Harmonization of design, the modern Chinese style and fashion the perfect combination, showing bright culture, Jiangsu Huaian, fascinating, noble and elegant。 The new Chinese restaurant design, attention is for a release of mood, alleviate people's social pressure and set up a quiet idle restaurant。 New Chinese restaurant set a variety of functions in one, elements of Chinese style decoration is from the appearance and connotation are given by the new experience。

Key words: rhyme, Theme restaurants ,hard design

目 录

1 背景介绍 4

2 条件分析 4

3 设计的目的和意义 5

3。1 设计目的 5

3。2 设计意义 5

4 方案概述 5

4。1 设计思路 5

4。2 设计方法 6

4。3 设计内容 6

4。3。1 空间功能划分 6

4。3。2 材质应用分析 8

5 创新与不足 8

结论 韵之阁主题中式餐厅空间硬装设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_87613.html
