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时间:2021-12-01 21:05来源:毕业论文



 Roof Garden landscape design

 Abstract: With the scale of modern cities becoming larger and larger, the urban green area is gradually covered by buildings and rigid pavement。 In order to expand the urban greening area and balance the urban ecology, Roof garden has received more attention from landscape architects。 Taking the Roof garden landscape design of the new-built village station on the Li’An Road, Min hang District as an example, starting from the needs of office users, this paper systematically studies the landscape design of urban Roof garden。 The purpose is to combine the design with the needs of the users making use of the roof surface to improve the urban greening area。 The conclusion is that as a new greening carrier, Roof garden should not only consider it as an important means to promote the urban green area, but also take into account the actual leisure needs of building users, providing people with a convenient and comfortable way to the nature。 Only by fully combining the ecological, humanistic and aesthetic principles, Roof garden design can meet the requirements of Roof garden in the process of modern urban development。

 Keywords: Roof garden, Ecology, Landscape design


1 设计解读 /P5


1。2 周边环境分析


1。4 基地现状物质空间条件分析

2 设计愿景 /P6

2。1 设计理念

2。2 设计目的

2。3 设计原则

2。3。1 生态、景观、人文等多方面兼顾

2。3。2 生态为主,休闲与健身结合的绿化景观

3 总体设计 /P7

3。1 总平面图

3。2 分区设计

3。2。1 木平台休憩区

3。2。2 阳光草坪区

3。2。3 亭廊交流区

3。2。4 活力健身区

3。2。5 岩石园

3。3 绿化植物设计

3。4 园路设计

3。5 经济技术指标

4 结束语 /P11

5 致谢 /P11

参考文献 /P12

1  设计解读


1。1 区位分析

上海 是一个国际化贸易大都市,有着“东方巴黎”的美誉。每年吸引着百万游客纷至沓来,被人们称为“魔都”。 屋顶花园绿化景观设计+答辩PPT:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_85759.html
