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时间:2021-11-01 21:11来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:包世臣,《艺舟双楫》, 尊碑   

Abstract: Pao shil-ch 'en, the statue of stone after RuanYuan thought, his \"yizhou double barge pole\" in the calligraphy theory reflected by although there is no complete system, but the tablet concept is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, just as it comes to by many scholars who chase after hold in both hands, to promote the tablet sent has made a great contribution to the development of calligraphy。 Perhaps because he has a discrepancy, the theory and practice of pao shil-ch 'en but he had a junior scholars dispute, pao shil-ch 'en, however, the study of calligraphy has never been interrupted, he proposed a statue of tablet calligraphy thoughts are also expected。 So the author combined with his social environment analysis and study on his thought source better illustrates his tablet concept。 His \"yizhou double barge pole\", separately from the brushwork, keyword method, composition, ink presentation to highlight his ideas and artistic style。 \"Yizhou double barge pole\", of course, must have the inheritance and development, kang youwei's \"wide yizhou double barge pole\" is the inheritance and development on the pao shil-ch 'en statue of stone。

Keywords:Pao shil-chen, “yizhou  double renewed”, statue of stone  thought 

目 录


绪论 4

1  包世臣的生平概述 4

2  包世臣所处的时代背景及思想来源 5

3  《艺舟双楫》的尊碑书学思想。 8

3。1  论“笔法” 8

3。2  论字法和章法 9

3。3  论墨法 10

3。4  论艺术风格 11

4  包世臣书学思想的影响 11

4。1  康有为《广艺舟双楫》的诞生——碑学体系的完善 11

4。2  碑学的发展 12

结语 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15



书法,作为中华民族的传统文化之一,正慢慢的被国人所重视。仿古,临碑已成为学习书法的不二法门。包世臣<<艺舟双楫>>理论的提出,改变了碑学在书法史上的地位。学书者崇尚古法,更崇拜所谓的正统思想。二王就是他们所谓的正统思想,自唐宋以后,书法家大都膜拜二王,他们将《兰亭》《黄庭》等一一练习。人们把学习碑的人认为是非正道的人,因为汉碑北碑不缺古法,却缺王法,,碑学直到阮元提出《北碑南帖论》和《南北碑派论》为碑学的兴起作了宣言才改变这种压抑的格局。《北碑南帖论》和《南北碑派论》这两篇著作对碑派的探讨都有限,多数的是是阮元个人对南北书画派的区分。包世臣《艺舟双楫》一书整理并总结了各书家及个人对书法思想和书法理论的研究成果。继承了阮元的尊碑思想,为后来提高碑派书法的地位做出了重要贡献。碑学,一个二王体系外的非正统形式,慢慢霸占着清代人学书的重要渠道,逐渐掩盖帖学,刹那间成为书谭上的新秀。包世臣《艺舟双楫》一书,无处不在透露着尊碑这一书学思想核心,是碑派书学崛起的点睛之笔。 包世臣《艺舟双楫》中的尊碑书学思想:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_84024.html
