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时间:2021-10-26 20:38来源:毕业论文




Haze’s theme commonweal poster appeal way research and practice

Abstract When the haze occurred , influencing people’ live and health。The design on haze’s subject of Commonweal Poster is an important part of solving the problem of haze。It’s not only the weather problem,but also affects the people’s view on gaze and the opinion 。

This article can mainly pide into three parts。 The first part mainly made us recognize the concept of appeal way。The second part mainly analysed the development situation to the design on haze’s subject of Commonweal Poster ,and found out the existing problems about the single point of view and the lack of interaction。The third part mainly used lens language to reflect the existence of haze and the order of severity with new appeal perspective at the design of haze’s subject of Commonweal Poster 。So can we use new appeal way to let people participate in the game ,feel the severity of haze in the form of ”choice”、”interaction” 。From the research and practice, we should realize the innovation of the concept of law approach and spread the importance of the theme of the commonweal poster design。

Key Words:  Haze;  Commonweal Poster;  Appeal way;  Practice

目  录

摘  要 I

Abstract II

目  录 III

一、诉求方式的概念 1

二、雾霾与雾霾主题公益海报设计 2

三、诉求方式在雾霾主题公益海报中的运用现状及问题 3

(一) 诉求方式在雾霾主题公益海报中的运用现状 3

1。感性诉求在雾霾主题公益海报中的表达 3

2。理性诉求在雾霾主题公益海报中的表达 3

(二) 诉求方式在雾霾主题公益海报的运用中的问题 4

1。诉求视角单一 4

2。诉求形式缺少互动 4

四、诉求方式在雾霾主题公益海报设计中的设计实践 5

(一) 雾霾主题公益海报设计中诉求视角的选择 5

(二) 雾霾主题公益海报设计中诉求形式的选用 7

结论 8

参考文献 9

一  诉求方式的概念

“诉求”在词典的解释里有两种含义,一个是陈诉和请求,另一个是追求和要求。而诉求方式在公益海报中的表达,结合公益海报自身具有的为社会大众服务的特点,更多是体现了陈诉和请求这一含义的表达。诉求作为一种表达方式,其目的在于说服受众群接受它的基于伦理道德、合乎法律的表达,认同其所表达的做某件事情的理由。论文网 雾霾主题公益海报诉求方式研究与实践:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_83779.html
