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时间:2021-09-24 20:56来源:毕业论文
从品牌自身的品牌文化出发来做包装设计,在保护产品和便捷使用的同时,对产品起到包装和宣传的作用。 关键词: 茶文化;茶叶包装;品牌文化;消费群体;包装材料


处于当今各方面发展繁盛的背景下,人们的生活质量不断提高,对于茶叶的质量更加的注重,同时在茶叶的外形包装上十分关注,除了外形好看还追求图案设计的特点文化体现。包装迎合购买者需要,不但可以为什么提供绿色饮品,同时还为其带来了可欣赏的美。就茶叶的销售方面来说,人们更钟爱于购买外形设计好的茶叶。本次设计从品牌自身的品牌文化出发来做包装设计,在保护产品和便捷使用的同时,对产品起到包装和宣传的作用。 关键词: 茶文化;茶叶包装;品牌文化;消费群体;包装材料

Packaging design of Wang Yutai tea

Abstract: China is the hometown of tea and the native place of tea in the world。 Chinese tea has been discovered and used for more than four years, and has been thriving all over the world。 Tea has also become the world's most popular, the most popular, the most wholesome and healthy green drinks。 The tea into the world in one, advocate "the world of tea is a"。 The packaging design of tea is not only a purely artistic act, but a multidisciplinary integration。

With the development of social economy, consumers not only request the tea itself to have good quality, but also request the tea packing to be beautiful and pleasing to the eye, and also have certain knowledge and art appreciation。 Thus, the packaged tea not only satisfies the material enjoyment of the people, but also satisfies the spiritual enjoyment。 From the point of view of commodities, the aesthetic packaging design of tea can improve its economic value

The design from the brand's own brand culture to do packaging design, in the protection of products and convenient use at the same time, the product plays the role of packaging and publicity。 

Key words: tea culture; tea packaging; brand culture; consumer groups; packaging materials

目 录


一、绪论 1

1。1现今茶叶包装发展背景 1

1。2研究目的及意义 2

1。3研究内容 3

二、选题品牌档案 4

2。1品牌历史 4

2。2品牌理念 5

2。3现固有市场 5

2。4产品分类 6

三、包装设计 7

3。1市场需求 7

3。2设计思路 8

3。2。1原有包装 8

3。2。2设计理念 9

3。2。3包装构成 10

3。2。4材质选择 10

四、结论 12

参考文献 13


1。1 现今茶叶包装发展背景

    我国是世界最早生产茶的国家,也是茶的起源地。通过先前有关学者做出的研究结果,可以知道茶在我国的历史已有几千年了,中国的传统文化已经深深扎根于我国的茶叶文化之中。可以说茶伴随着人类的日常生活,不仅仅限于送礼待客,现今社会越来越多人喜爱喝茶,茶对人们的养生喝消化有着很大作用,并且在闲暇之余,人们喜爱和朋友喝茶聊天,这代表茶不仅仅是一种饮品的存在,更多是一样休闲愉悦的消费。论文网 汪裕泰茶叶系列包装设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_82120.html
