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时间:2021-03-01 20:19来源:毕业论文


关键词    立体折纸  建筑意象

毕业论文 外 文 摘 要

Title    of Image Building Origami 

Abstract People appreciate the concept With the development, the progress of civilization has become more innovative. A piece of ordinary paper by methods such as folding, cutting becomes wealthy life in a twinkling of an eye. Three dimensional things become more approachable and infectious. Dimensional visual effect will give people a wonderful magical visual enjoyment. It not only enhances the aesthetic value, but also can be used as a souvenir, decoration or art collection. The subject of the origami architectural morphology and structure analysis. Research on this topic to the performance of the main building of Nanjing University of Science and Technology in terms of origami. And will show images in the form used in architecture modeling. To form a series of origami. The guide route auxiliary surrounding, and different sizes, different colors of color, make the picture more vivid and lively, a stronger sense of hierarchy. It not only have the visual artistic charm but also Strive to bring people back since, emotion. To arouse people's campus emotional resonance.

Keywords  NUST   Three-dimensional origami   Architectural Image


1 引言 1

2 课题研究价值与意义 1

3 课题研究现状 2

3.1 折纸在视觉传达设计中的应用 2

3.2 折纸形式的应用特点 3

4 研究思路与设计过程 4

4.1 研究思路 4

4.2 前期方案 4

4.2.1 前期调研 5

4.2.2 表现形式 6

4.2.3 设计材料 6

4.3 中期方案 7

4.3.1 作品结构 7

4.3.2 折纸造型设计 7

4.4 完成方案 9

4.4.1 辅助图形设计 9

4.4.2 立体书设计 10

4.4.3 海报设计 10

4.4.4 卡片设计 10

4.4.5 书签设计 10

4.4.6 包装袋设计 11

结  论 12

致  谢 13

参考文献 14 

1 引言

艺术源于生活,折纸是一种将纸张折叠拼贴形成各种形状的一种艺术活动,折纸能够锻炼人的动手能力与思维交融之间的转换,根据纸张的质地、性能等特点,通过折、切、叠、拉等技巧和手法,构成形态各异、丰富多彩、别致有趣的立体造型,将平面二维事物塑造出三维空间的立体效果,进而实现将无生命的纸张转变成鲜活的有灵气的生命,达到实物艺术直观。折纸艺术不仅可以使我们的生活变得趣无穷,在折纸的过程中还可以启发人的思维,开发人的潜力,为创新性设计带来了动力。 折纸建筑的形态与结构折纸:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_70560.html
