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时间:2021-01-24 20:37来源:毕业论文

摘 要:《石鼓文》秦代刻石。其铭文是雄浑肃穆、自然天真、欹肆豪放等审美意蕴的体现。其制造者与刻文书书写者赋予了刻文鲜活而长久的生命力,展现了我国古代劳动人民的智慧。《石鼓文》在众多的金石器铭文中以其独具特色之美而散发出璀璨耀眼的光芒吸引无数的人去探索美,发现美,应用美。当今书法的创作或多或少都汲取其源泉;审美更受其朴素自然的原生态艺术美的影响,特别是对清代碑派书法艺术的产生于与发展过程。它影响了一代又一代书家,尤其以碑派学者吴昌硕为代表。在吴昌硕的书法中无处不展现着《石鼓文》的无限生命力与魅力及独具特色之美。62633


Pick to: sharpening inscriptions on drumshaped stone blocks qin dynasty. Its inscription is bold solemn, natural innocence,  uninhibited and spreading of the embodiment of the aesthetic implication. Writer gives its maker with inscriptions inscriptions fresh and long life, shows the wisdom of the ancient working people in China. Shek kwu text in numerous Jin Shiqi inscriptions, with its unique beauty and emitting a bright light to explore beauty, attracting countless people find beauty, beauty. In today's calligraphy creation more or less from its source; Aesthetic is more influenced by the plain aboriginal art beauty of nature, especially in the qing dynasty stone sent calligraphy art produced in the process of the and development. It has affected the generation after generation shoka, especially to fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo memorial sent scholars as the representative. In the calligraphy of fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo nowhere not showing the infinite vitality and charm of inscriptions on drumshaped stone blocks and unique beauty.

Keywords: inscriptions on drumshaped stone blocks, fostered numerous eminent people like wu changshuo calligraphy, stone implication, simple, natural

前言 3

1  <<石鼓文>>的艺术特色 4

1.1 线条 4

1.2 结构 4

1.3 风格 5

1.4 金石意蕴 6

2  吴昌硕临《石鼓文》及创作 6

2.1  吴昌硕临《石鼓文》 6

2.2 创作 8

3  吴昌硕书法及其金石意韵 9

3.1  楷书 9

3.2  行书 10

3.3  隶书 11

3.4  篆书 11

3.5  吴昌硕书法的金石意韵 12

4  《石鼓文》与吴昌硕书法的共同之美 13

4.1 《石鼓文》之美 13

4.2 吴昌硕书法之美 14

4.3 共同之美 14

结 论 15

参考文献 16

致 谢 17

前言《石鼓文》,秦刻石文字,因其刻石外形似鼓而得名。发现于唐初,共十枚,高约二尺,径约三尺,分别刻有大篆四言诗一首,共十首,计七百一十八字。内容最早被认为是记叙周宣王出猎的场面,故又称“猎碣”。宋代郑樵《石鼓音序》之后“石鼓秦物论”开始盛行,清末震钧断石鼓为秦文公时物,民国马衡断为秦穆公时物,郭沫若断为秦襄公时物,今人刘星、刘牧则考证石鼓为秦始皇时代作品。石鼓刻石文字多残,北宋欧阳修录时存四百六十五字,明代范氏《天一阁》藏本仅四百六十二字,而今之“马荐”鼓已一字无存。原石现藏故宫博物院石鼓馆。 《石鼓文》的艺术特色及对吴昌硕的书法影响:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_68901.html
