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时间:2021-01-02 20:50来源:毕业论文



Analysis of color application in office space

Abstract: When the design into the twenty-first Century, the modern office space design gradually from cumbersome, heavy to abstract, concise direction of development. And color in the office space of the application is more and more people's attention. In the interior space design, the color of the office staff all the time. The use of color is not only able to enrich the office environment, the more important one is to adjust the mood and psychology of the staff. To promote people's enthusiasm for the work. In today's design, color design has been in a dynamic development, will be affected by the impact of many of the current elements. In the design of office space, in order to establish the brand image, enhance the spirit of enterprise, tend to take the combination of space, adjust the office environment, to achieve the balance of corporate image and employee psychological.

Key Words: Office space, color expression, environmental information, color space

绪论 ……1

一、 色彩设计的基本原理 2

二、 现代办公空间的类型 3

(一) 以办公空间的业务性质分类 4

1. 行政办公空间 4

2. 商业办公空间 4

3. 综合性办公空间 4

(二) 以办公空间的布局形式分类 5

1. 单元型的办公空间 5

2. 公寓型的办公空间 5

3. 开敞式办公空间 5

4. 景观办公空间 5

三、 色彩在办公空间的设计运用 6

(一) 色彩表情 6

(二) 色彩搭配 7

(三) 色彩隐喻 10

四、 方案设计中的色彩设计 14

结语 15

致谢 16

参考文献 17

绪论当设计走入了现代,办公空间设计早已不再是当初的统一的“格子间”,对待设计的特征化和空间精神内在的关注已经超出了空间环境所原本担负的功能需要。展现企业特有的文化精神、功能区域的划分、发展历史等等也称为了必不可少的设计要求。色彩的搭配选择,与空间的搭配和方位的所在,都是办公设计所需要整体考量的,使其更加整体并反应出设计具有的独有个性和生命力。 浅议办公空间中的色彩应用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_67668.html
