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时间:2020-11-25 10:35来源:毕业论文


关键词:《碧落碑》 风格特点  启示

Abstract:"The biluo monuments" is Han Wang Li Yuanjia after the death of princess worship tablet, carved in the tang dynasty the emperor ZongZhang for three years. In this paper, namely this monument as the research object, the full text is pided into three parts. The first part, mainly introduce the general situation of the underground moths grow filmy wings tablet. Monuments,including the body's natural conditions, the inscriptions calligraphy and its history, focusing on analysis of a few small problem: about this monument description from the source of such as the erection of the time, BeiMing, book carving of the tablet, etc; The second part, for this article key chapters, respectively from the monuments, the sky of the nexus of contracts, brushwork, words and analysing seal script of the decorative art characteristics. A comprehensive understanding of the monuments, the sky chirography style characteristics. Come to the conclusion that the third part is"The biluo monuments" enlightenment to later generations seal character creation.

Keyword:"The biluo monuments"  Style Features  Revelation


前言 (5)

第一章 碧落碑概况(6)



第二章 碧落碑风格特点(8)





第三章 《碧落碑》对后人篆书创作的启示(21)

结语 (23)

参考文献 (24)

致谢 (25)

附录一   《碧落碑》释文(唐)郑承规(26)

附录二   《碧落碑》拓片(27)



唐代篆书碑刻并不多见,所以《碧落碑》尤为珍贵。碑中文字不同于《说文解字》,以奇古著称。历代金石学家视为珍品。然而后人对此褒贬不一。本文将从《碧落碑》的结体、笔法、字法等方面进行分析其艺术特点。文中对碑文部分文字进行分析,通过与周秦一系篆书以及《说文》的对比了解书家在当时是如何进行结字创作的。 《碧落碑》对后人篆书创作的启示:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_65223.html
