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时间:2020-07-30 21:38来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The art of calligraphy is brilliant flower of Chinese culture, its wide range of practical and unique artistic and has a strong mass base. Also with the art of calligraphy professional students enrollment, and growing. Many colleges and universities also have additional calligraphy professional, but after entering the university, as well as changes in the environment to mature thinking, students waning enthusiasm for the arts, a "professional not specifically" "expertise is not long," relatively weak cultural foundation professional ideology is not consolidated, learning objectives are not clear and so on. This article by former students of the art of calligraphy calligraphy select professional interest after learning changes that occur, as well as the status of arts degree preference survey and explore the reasons for its formation, hoping to provide some reference for future students in the choice of the art professional time, also hope to provide a reference for college admissions arts. 

Keywords: art students, interest, investigation

目  录

前言 4

1  调查基本情况 5

1.1 调查时间 5

1.2 调查地点 5

1.3 调查者 5

1.4  调查对象 5

1.5 调查方式 5

2  调查结果与分析 5

2.1 书法专业的学生对书法的兴趣 5

2.2 书法专业学生喜欢书法的原因 6

2.3 书法专业的学生不喜欢书法原因 6

3  相关建议 7

3.1 对学生的建议 7

3.2 对家长的建议 7

3.3 对学校的建议 7

3.3.1 注重素质教育,加强专业技能教育 7

3.3.2 完善教学体系,增强学生道德修养 7

3.3.3 面向市场,分层次办学 8

3.4 对社会的建议 8

结论 9

参考文献 9

附录一: 10

附录二:现场照片 11

附录三:问卷照片 11

致谢 12


随着高校扩招,近年来美术高考生源的数量也激增。全国各院校(注意,并不是仅指艺术类院校)为了应付美术高考的大潮,纷纷扩招、增加新学院、新专业,成百上千的招收美术生,这样的速度与扩张规模让有些人有些担心。据中国美术高考网不完全统计,目前全国招收本科美术生的院校不下500所,专科更是达到了1000多所。 艺术生对艺术兴趣的状况调查以书法专业为例:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_57175.html
