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时间:2020-07-22 21:38来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:王铎 草书 临古

Abstract :The thesis focuses on the cursive hand of Wang Duo, the calligrapher in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty.It is pided into three parts in order to expound and analyze his cursive hand’s style referring to its origin, impact and the process of evolution.The first part is about the current status of study on his cursive hand. The second one mainly discusses his inheritance of traditions and the form of its style. And the third part is about the influence of his cursive hand.Besides, the form of its style has two parts as well.The one part basically refers to the origin of his cursive hand’s style which derived from the methods of Jin Dynasty, Tang Dynasty and Song Dynasty and was also affected by trend of thoughts of Ming Dynasty. The other one pides the process of evolution into three periods. The first stage is from his thirty--three to thirty--six and he mainly copied other styles. And he came to create his own style from thirty--six to fifty--one as second stage. Then the mature period of his cursive hand was after his age of fifty--one. Wang Duo’s cursive hand had main effects on the ones of China and Japan.       

Keywords : Wang Duo cursive hand in ancient

绪论 6

1  王铎艺术成就简介…6

2  王铎草书临古对其风格形成的影响7

2.1  认同前贤、微抒己意临仿期8

2.2  参入涨墨、笔力强劲的创变期…10

2.3  苍老劲健,磅礴雄浑的成熟期…13

3  从“凡学书者以为宗主”看王铎草书的影响14

结 语 …18

参考文献 …19

绪论   王铎身逢改朝换代的乱世,仕途多变,几经坎坷。在以气节自持明、清人眼里王铎都被冠以“贰臣”的名号,因此,他书法上的成就,有一阶段几乎被人遗忘。





时至今日,随着思想的日益开放,也越来越多的人开始关注到了王铎,研究王铎的博士论文有2篇,硕士论文有14篇,而与王铎相关的期刊就有1886篇,由此可见研究他的人越来越多了。他们大多研究王铎书法思想,临帖活动以及草书艺术这几个方面,对他的草书研究大部分人是从较为宏观的角度去研究的,对细节等技法上的研究大部分比较粗略,所以本文更多关注的是他的草书临摹的细节。 王铎草书临古研究:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_56844.html
