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时间:2017-04-08 15:55来源:毕业论文

摘要:1870年(第二次工业革命)以后,科学技术的发展突飞猛进,各种新技术、新发明层出不穷,并被迅速应用于工业生产,大大促进了经济的发展。当时,科学技术的突出发展主要表现在三个方面,即电力的广泛应用、内燃机和新交通工具的创制、新通讯手段的发明。然而,如此迅速的发展是以生态的破坏为惨重代价的。特别是二十一世纪的今天,人类的许多活动都向大气、水体、土壤等自然和人工环境排放有害物质,造成环境污染;特别是水污染,我国有82%的人饮用浅井和江河水,其中水质污染严重细菌超过卫生标准的占75%,受到有机物污染的饮用水人口约1.6亿。目前,人们已意识到不能以破坏生态环境来发展经济,这样的代价太大了。我国已提出社会经济可持续发展和保护人民的身体健康的战略,对整治水域污染采取了一系列强有力的措施。我们决不能再走先污染后治理的老路,为了拥有洁净的水环境,保护水资源,当从现在做起.不然的话,将会爆发一场可怕的灾难!  此次针对山西洪洞汾河生态景观修复工程,做一个规划设计,以文献与理论研究等方法,综合生态学、景观生态学、风景园林景观规划设计等多学科的理论基础,系统分析现状,结合当地环境进行针对性改造与生态修复,通过景观规划设计,打造独具特色的故园湖公园,建设与自然平衡的景观生态天堂、多彩文化胜地、风景旅游故乡。6948
关键词: 故园湖公园;景观生态规划与设计;滨水绿地;
Hongtong, shanxi fenhe landscape ecological restoration project
---- native lake park planning and design
Abstract:After 1870 (the second industrial revolution), the development by leaps and bounds of science and technology, all kinds of new technology, new inventions emerge in endlessly, and was applied in industrial production quickly, greatly promote the development of the economy. At that time, science and technology outstanding development is mainly embodied in three aspects, namely the wide application of electric power, internal combustion engine and new transportation initiative, the invention of the new means of communication. However, such rapid development based on ecological destruction for heavy price. Today, especially in the 21st century, many of the activities of humans to the atmosphere, water, soil etc discharge of hazardous substances in natural and artificial environment, cause environmental pollution; Water pollution, especially our country with 82% of people drinking shallow Wells and river water, the water quality pollution bacteria on hygienic standards for more than 75%, by the organic matter pollution of drinking water in a population of about 160 million. At present, people have realized that being unable to destroy the ecological environment to economic development, so the price is too big. Has offered to social and economic sustainable development in our country and protect people's health strategy, on the water pollution has adopted a series of strong measures. We must not go treatment after pollution, in order to have a clean water environment, protection of water resources, when to start from now on. Otherwise, it will broke out a terrible disaster. Attack on fen river ecological landscape restoration, do a planning and design, with the method of literature and theoretical research, comprehensive ecology, landscape ecology, landscape architecture, landscape planning and design, such as multi-disciplinary theoretical basis, the systematic analysis of the status quo, combined with the local environment to reconstruction and ecological restoration, through the landscape planning and design, build the unique native lake park, the construction and the natural balance of the landscape ecology paradise resort, colorful culture, scenery travel home.
Keyword: native lake park; Landscape ecological planning and design; Waterfront green space; 园林景观湖泊公园规划设计+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_4682.html