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时间:2020-01-06 19:13来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词: 公共空间;社区归属感;公共意识

Public Space :to create an office building community—Based on the office buildings “X” in Lujiazui financial circles 

Abstract:The research according to Shanghai Lujiazui financial circles in office buildings in white-collar workers is to understand and analyze the white-collar workers in the office buildings are faced with problems: indifference to the relationship between man and man, the lack of interpersonal communication, lack of activity participation, sense of belonging to the deletion and so on. On this basis, the actual reasons behind these problems are analyzed and put  the methods and measures to solve these problems are put forward. The present situation and existing problems of young white-collar workers in Lujiazui financial circles are investigated by means of case study, data collection and analysis, and the countermeasures are put forward. 

Through the study found that Lujiazui financial circles office building young white-collar workers face problems, with a rich material life, what they need is to meet the physiological needs, psychological and spiritual construction, create good public space and become a good environment to create a sense of attachment in building community, from improving participation in community activities, forming public consciousness . The phenomenon of young white-collar office is very common, it is a social problem that can not be ignored at present.

Keywords: Public space;Community attachment ;Public awareness 


一、绪论 1

(一)研究背景 1

(二)文献综述 1

(三)理论框架 2

(1)公共领域理论 2

(2)归属感 3

(3)公共意识 3

(四)、 研究方法 4

1、文献法: 4

2、访谈法: 4

3、田野调查法: 4

二、公共空间:X写字楼的公共空间营造过程 4

(一)写字楼公共空间产生的背景 4

(二)写字楼社区公共空间的特点 5

1、封闭性特征 6

2、参与主体的独特性 6

3、新颖的公共活动 6

(三)营造良好的公共空间所需的条件 7

1、公共空间需要有效的供给。 陆家嘴金融圈写字楼社区的公共空间营造:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_44613.html
