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时间:2019-04-12 21:18来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词:个性 , 创意, 打火机, 老男孩                
This paper analyzes the current status of the lighter market, to explore in the era of rapid development, lighters simply make fire as a practical tool, in order to meet the growing needs of people in personality, is slowly developing a lot more personalized lighters. This paper systematically describes the background, significance of the topic and market analysis. Then we study the importance of lighter packaging consumption in lighter, and consumer policies and cultural identity in people's psychology.
Depending on the type and characteristics of the existing lighter determine the "old boy" series lighter design direction, because lighter series. This article describes the old boy's brand backgrounds and related products introduced. While products for packaging design and display. In the following actively discusses the design idea and design process. Finally, a summary and outlook for the future personality lighter market.
  In this thesis, the better development of the personality lighter market has played a positive role.
Key Words:  Personality, creativity, lighters, old boy
目  录
摘  要    I
目  录    III
第1章 绪论    1
1.1 论文选题背景    1
1.2选题意义    1
1.3市场分析    2
第2章 商品包装在消费心理中的体现    3
2.1打火机包装的的含义与作用    3
2.2商品包装的心理功能    3
2.3打火机包装的文化特性    3
2.4打火机案例分析    3
第3章 老男孩系列品牌创作过程    6
3.1老男孩品牌背景    6
3.2系列打火机介绍    6
第4章 老男孩系列包装设计过程及展示    8
4.1设计思路    8
4.2内包装    8
4.3外包装    9
总结与展望    11
参考文献    12
致 谢    14
第一章 绪  论
1.1 论文选题背景
    打火机是小型取火装置。主要用于吸烟取火,也用于炊事及其他取火。如今市场上打火机品种繁多,功能各有不同,然而市场上打火机大多以实用为主,造型缺乏特点。随着现在市场越来越多元化,打火机也因一些追求时尚个性的人士推出了不少个性打火机。个性打火机就如同不同的着装将女人们分成不同的类型一样,不同的打火机也标识着不同类型的男人。另一种人则对情调非常敏感。他们的手头经常有一只精致漂亮的名牌打火机,勿庸赘言,这是他们的爱物,也是外人窥视他们内心的一个窗口。 个性打火机系列包装设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_31927.html