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时间:2018-10-11 18:47来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词: 大数据;水文化;脉络;产业园;中式园林
Landscape Design of Chongzhou Big Data Industrial Park
               ——The overall design
Abstract: Big Data Industry Park refers to the gathering area of big data industry or incubation area for industrialization projects of big data technologies. Briefly speaking, it’s the incubation platform for big data enterprises and concentrated area for big data enterprises to achieve the way of industrialization.
Main idea of the landscape design is based on the context of traditional Chinese water culture. Because water is the source of life, people has enjoyed water, showed intimacy for water and lived near the water for a long time. The way of connection of natural rivers is imitated for the design to connect various small and separate spaces of the park in series so that the landscape of whole park tends to be complete. Focus on the waterfront area and use it as the carrier for the soul of local culture to reflect the importance of landscape in the Era of Big Data.
Key Words:Big data;Water culture;Context ; Industrial Park;Chinese garden
目 录    3
1 引言    4
1.1 项目研究背景    4
1.1.1地理位置    4
1.1.2背景概述    4
1.1.3发展机遇    4
1.2 项目研究意义    4
2 文献综述    5
2.1大数据产业园    5
2.1.1大数据产业园的概念    5
2.1.2大数据库产业园面临的挑战    5
2.2水文化    5
2.2.1水文化的概念    5
2.2.1水与景观的关系    6
3 设计思路    6
3.1 现状分析    6
3.1.1基地周边环境分析    6
3.1.2周边道路交通分析    6
3.2 设计目标与定位    7
3.2.1设计定位    7
3.2.2设计原则    7
3.2.3设计理念    8
3.3 景观规划设计说明    8
3.3.1总体规划    8
3.3.2 总体景观设计    9
4 景观规划分析    12
4.1 功能分析    12
4.2 景观结构分析    12
4.3 交通分析    14
4.4 总平面图    15
4.5 局部效果图    16
5 结束语    19
致谢    20
参考文献    21
1    引言
1.1    项目研究背景
最近一段时间以来,与物联网、云计算相关的产业发展尤为迅速,因而使得大数据技术开始逐步受到越来越多的人关注,与之相关的企业将会以大数据产业园作为基石来带动自身的发展与壮大。 四川崇州大数据产业园景观设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_24033.html