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时间:2017-01-16 19:10来源:毕业论文

关键词:1.健康 2.插画 3.色彩 4.食用方便 5.视觉形象5319
   Dietotherapy is the Chinese traditional habits,people archive the purpose of physical conditioning, strong physique through diet.dietotherapy has a long history,and it’s a long-term health behavior.In a growing number of ‘death from overwork’ incident, the young white-collar gens slowly begin to attach importance to how to maintain the body healthy.,after all ,a healthy body is the base of doing everything. Various health medicines, health food began to flourish in the market consequently as it begin to show the trend of overflow.Compared to the health medicines,Chinese prefer to the dietotherapy which can satisfy their appetite and keep them healthy,make the best of both worlds.
   Dietotherapy is always connected with the traditional Chinese medicine,So my purpose is to put aside the mystery of dietotherapy,meanwhile,let the dietotherapy get closed to everyone to make the dietotherapy be people’s choices uder our guidance.As a result, ‘longevity preservation, natural, health’ is the design of my food. How to use illustrations and color to polish the production ,ans also the convenient product structure is the focus of my design.
KeyWords: 1. Health 2. Illustration 3. 4. Color convenient 5. Visual image

目  录
  摘要    2
绪论    5
第一章 养生食疗品牌形象在现今社会的可发展性    7
    1.1 养生品牌国内现状    7
    1.2 国内汉方食疗养生馆品牌的比较    7
第二章 品牌形象设计分析与实践    8
    2.1 朴食视觉形象开发和视觉元素    8
    2.2 朴食品牌形象插图风格的设计    8
    2.3 品牌形象应用与实践    9
第三章  朴食形象推上市场的设想    10
    3.1 品牌推广以及结论    10
致谢    11
参考文献    12
绪 论
食疗是中国人的传统习惯,通过饮食达到调理身体,强壮体魄的目的。食疗文化源远流长,是一种长远的养生行为。老百姓讲“民以食为天”,读《本草纲目》亦领悟出“医食同源”的真谛。饮食疗法,不仅供给人体生理所必需的营养素,而且还能够调整机体内信使平衡,纠正人体内信使的病理状态。但现在的年轻人却没有闲暇时间去管理自己的身体,在越来越多“过劳死”的事件发生后,白领年轻一族开始慢慢重视如何保养身体,毕竟健康才是本钱。随之而来的是各种保健药品、保健食品开始在市场上兴盛起来,以致到现在都呈现泛滥的趋势。俗话说“是药三分毒”,相比保健药品,中国人倾向于更缓和和持久的食疗养生,既满足了自己的口腹之欲,又可以达到养生保健的目的,两全其美。 食疗养生馆品牌形象设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_2310.html