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时间:2024-06-06 21:55来源:95544



Abstract:China's economic strength and culture is growing, the traditional culture of inheritance and development has aroused our Chinese. Furniture supplies, and people's lives are closely related, more and more people want to show our furniture in the traditional Chinese culture, carry forward the charm of our Chinese design. It is undeniable that the traditional furniture is indeed very good, but it has been unable to meet our aesthetic requirements of contemporary people, so the concept of new Chinese furniture

was born. New Chinese furniture is not a mature and complete standard of aesthetic system, is still in development. And everyone's life is very busy, life is more and more modern,

after returning home to hope that we can have a relaxed and comfortable environment, then we want to have some leisure elements at home. Therefore, this article around the new Chinese leisure tables and chairs of the background, the status quo, found that the shortcomings and deficiencies to be improved, combined with traditional Chinese elements "window lattice" and learn from the Shanghai World Expo, the new Chinese leisure table and chair structure to explore and try to express Personal design ideas, to seek the development of new Chinese leisure tables and chairs.

Key words: New Chinese style; leisure; window lattice; Shanghai World Expo;


第一章绪论 1

1.1新中式休闲家具研究背景 1

1.2新中式休闲家具研究现状 3

1.3新中式休闲家具研究目标及拟解决的问题 5

第二章中国传统文化设计美学 6

2.1先秦至明清美学与设计 6

2.2中国传统美学在设计上的折射 8

第三章设计中的人机工程学 11

3.1“人、机、环境”因素的分析 11

3.2人机工程学中的人性化设计思想 13

第四章新中式休闲桌椅的探索与尝试 15

4.1新中式休闲桌椅材料的选择 15

4.2新中式休闲桌椅的形式与元素选择 18

结语 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23



国内设计起步晚,发展也较慢,缺少自己的风格。建筑与家装最能直观地体现设计风格和设计水平,因为它们是与人类生活息息相关的行业。目前国内家具行业的问题是,普遍规模偏小,品牌意识薄弱、设计队伍短缺,使得中国家具缺乏一些创意,互相模仿成风,雷同太多,造成了市场低迷。 新中式休闲桌椅设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_204137.html
