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时间:2024-06-06 21:27来源:95541



Abstract:Modern shipbuilding industry for all countries of the economic development and national defense industry is essential, all countries are actively developing the shipbuilding industry to improve the national economy. The various types of installations of the boat are the fundamental work of the safe operation of the boat, and the demand for the modern industrial products market is not only a single factor of the function of the product, but also the form of the product, the appearance of the product, the variety of products, etc. Aspect, which makes the design of the product is particularly important. This paper mainly introduces the various types of marine equipment and designs, analyzes the existing problems, and through the improvement of marine signal alarm device design, complete the specific program, more in-depth product optimization and improvement. The design from the appearance of shape, connection, materials and functions and other aspects of the improvement measures to improve the alarm device aesthetics, practicality, to solve the form of a single, rigid shape, high cost, increase the product's own value and practicality.

Keywords:Alarm device; Appearance form; design method; HMI


第一章绪论 1

1.1我国现代船舶行业的简单分析 1

1.2船用装置设计调查 2

1.2.1船用装置国内外设计案例 3

1.2.2总结 10

1.3课题研究的目的和意义 10

1.4本章总结 10

第二章产品设计分析 12

2.1产品设计原则 12

2.2产品设计方法分析和实际应用 14

2.3船用报警装置设计要点 16

2.3.1功能方面设计要点 16

2.3.2人机关系 16

2.3.3船用材料 20

2.4本章小结 21

第三章船用警报装置的设计与分析 22

3.1项目前期沟通 22

3.2概念设计 23

3.3外观设计 25

3.4结构设计 25

3.5设计展示说明 28

3.5本章总结 31

结论 32

致谢 33

参考文献 34

附录 船用警报装置的改进设计方法研究与应用:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_204130.html
