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时间:2018-07-27 20:44来源:毕业论文

毕业论文关键词】  笔法 结构 章法  
Analyses the Cao Quan tablet art style
【 abstract 】 after qin, western han dynasty official script is the evolution of long time, then the climax to the eastern han dynasty. And replaced the orthodox status, became the official Roman, and finally completed the basic styles of official script. In many of the eastern han dynasty official script writing, carved stone official script is the most representative, not only to maintain the unique style of Chinese characteristics, and "each tablet a strange, don't have the same", show the colorful artistic style. The eastern han dynasty stone carving calligraphy show the official script of the use of skilled techniques, at the same time also reflected the distinctive personality, thus become the model of the official script, and the Cao Quan tablet is the model of a elegant appearance, wen wan and graceful flag. It is one of the representative works of han dynasty official script round pen, calligraphic style show embellish Canon, beautiful even, to dance, like a graceful and educated family. Its longitudinal, pen concise concise, short strokes, witty and vivid, with extremely just saturated interest and write a very soft and the nexus of contracts slightly take side, but it makes you feel it more magnanimouses, it landed.
【 key words 】 rhyme prose structure
关于此碑的笔法,近人姚华分析的很是详细,他认为:“ 其用笔多圆劲如篆势,所以虽瘦而腴,且如以锥画石,此中锋之最显著也,转折兼用,而折兼有先提而后按者,有迤而下行者,有略断而续行者相参。皆因势而宽严为之,至纯用转笔者,殆极罕见,故能遒丽出也。”个人觉得姚先生总结的很到位,纵观此碑帖,它主要是以圆笔为主,方圆兼备,流利婉畅,美妙多姿,所有笔画基本上为逆锋入笔使其充满篆籀的凝重之感,也有极少数的逆锋方起,这样也就无形中增加了此碑笔画的丰富性。 浅析《曹全碑》艺术风格+文献综述:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_20387.html