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时间:2024-02-22 21:13来源:毕业论文




Abract:Hermit class as a special class, in the one thousand years of civilization in our country, the role of the cannot be ignored, they have created splendid culture is an important part of Chinese civilization。

Yuan dynasty is the first in the history of Chinese minority establish unified regime, contradictions culture that result in this period, political frustrated that many scholars have mountains, devoted to artistic career, cultural development in the special period had more fully development。The yuan dynasty calligraphy, in the pursuit of overall atmosphere of restoring ancient ways, hermit calligraphy shows unique new fashion。This article selects a influential researches on the calligrapher and typicality of a paper, i。e。, according to the hermit calligrapher at the end of the yuan wu zhen and cursive script works \"xin jing\" as the research object, carries on the system analysis of the view and significance to the development of middle and later periods of the yuan dynasty hermit calligraphy carding and research。

Key words: the yuan dynasty calligraphy, culture of reclusion, wu zhen, \"xin jing\

目 录

引言 4

1。 元代的文化氛围 4

1。1隐士与隐士文化 4

1。2元代士人的隐逸思想 5

1。3元代书法的发展 5

2。吴镇与《心经》 7

2。1吴镇传略 7

2。2《心经》的艺术风格与赏析 9

2。3《心经》中的绘画元素 13

3。元代隐士书法的意义 13

3。1吴镇的隐逸书风 13

3。2元代其他隐士书法 14

3。3元代隐士书法的意义 15

参考文献 17

致谢 18


隐士书法作为书法文明中不可或缺的部分,在每个朝代都有不同程度的发展。元代因其朝代的特殊性,士人呈现出整体性归隐的新特点,艺术文化在这个时候得到了广阔的发展。由于元代基本笼罩在赵孟頫推崇的“复古”书风的氛围下,隐士书法并未能引起世人的广泛注意,所以具有一定的研究意义。纵观元代隐士书家,以杨维桢,倪瓒,吴镇,陆居仁等四人最为令人称道,在这些领异标新的个体中,我们可以更清楚地了解元代隐士书法。吴镇作为元代四大家之一,他在绘画方面的成就固然很高,但其在书法上的表现也是有别于元代主流书风和其他隐士书家,逸笔草草,放荡不羁,书写自己内心的自由。通过对其书法作品的研究,我们可以更加深入地了解这一时期的隐士文化。 从吴镇《心经》谈元代隐士书法:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_202162.html
