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时间:2024-02-20 20:18来源:毕业论文



Abstract: Freehand brushwork figure painting is a kind of figure painting, The so-called "freehand brushwork" refers to the use of concise brushwork to describe objects, and to some extent, to weaken or even ignore the existence of shape, to achieve "easy pen and not looking for the shape" of the creative purpose。 Throughout the development and present situation of freehand brushwork figure painting, on the basis of inheriting the tradition, absorbing the western painting skills, the concept of fusion of Chinese and Western culture, freehand brushwork figure painting presents a new pattern of persification。 In the creation of the traditional and modern freehand figure painting for reference, not only should be based on the traditional culture, but also to do the integration of Chinese and Western culture, and beyond in the "write" word, "meaning" beyond the performance, beyond the theme in the content。 Express inpiduality, pen and ink performance for freehand figure painting image, do portraits, created when the ink with the times, outstanding freehand figure painting works。

Keywords: Freehand figure painting,draw lessons from ,A literary creation,pen and ink

目   录


1  传统写意人物画的笔墨03

1。1  传统写意人物画笔墨发展概况03

1。2  传统写意人物画的笔墨分析04

2  由传统笔墨的程式化到现代笔墨的时新性04

3  传统与现代写意人物画对当下人物画创作的影响05

3。1 “笔墨当随形象”寻找建立和完善于自己的写意人物画形式 05

3。2  继承传统发展适合写意人物画形象的笔墨06

结论 07

参考文献 08

致谢 09


    中国画从题材上分为山水,人物,花鸟三种,若从技法上分,又可分为工笔画写意画。写意人物画是人物画法的一种,它不同于工笔画的精致细微,而是用率性灵动的写意笔法来描绘人物形象,重视人物神态动作的表现和作者思想情感的表达,凸显笔墨的节奏和韵律美感。宋代韩拙说:"用笔有简易而意全者,有巧密而精细者"[ ],正是对写意与工笔特点的阐述。"写意"二字虽然强调"意"字,容易使人产生了率性,大笔挥毫泼墨的联想,但不能因此认为写意画是草率的。"逸笔草草,写胸中逸气",只不过更加注重情感的表达,不能忽略写意画所必需的理性和谨严。

1  传统写意人物画的笔墨

1。1  传统写意人物画笔墨发展概况

    今天所能见到最早的独幅人物画,是战国时期«人物龙凤图»和«人物御龙图»。两幅帛画造型准确生动,人物以墨线勾勒,用笔刚劲流畅,以"线性"描绘为主,平面装饰为辅,可见骨法用笔的意味。人物画自魏晋南北开始,在技法上出现了以顾恺之、陆探微为代表工细严密的"密体"画风,和以张僧瑶为代表的"疏体"画风。唐代张彦远评价:"顾恺之之迹,紧劲连绵,循环超忽,格调逸易,风趋电疾,意存笔先,画尽意在,所以全神气也。”[ ]可见顾恺之的人物造型和用笔技法水平的高超。即使是工笔绘画形式,但尚意仍是画家追求的境界。 在创作中对传统写意人物画的借鉴:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_202039.html
