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时间:2023-11-07 22:54来源:毕业论文



Abstract:Illustration is a relatively popular form of art, is a visual art, it as one of the carriers of contemporary information dissemination, play a role in the people's lives。 Illustrations have an intuitive image, a true sense of life and beauty appeal, so now it has become a very popular art form。 This topic is based on my childhood memories as the theme, from the first person point of view designed by a series of lively and lovely style illustration story, called "Qing Si"。 The purpose is to arouse everyone's fond memories of the distant childhood。 The design is designed by means of children's characters with lovely style and childhood characteristics, and combines

the elements of stage scenes to reflect the memories of a scene in childhood。 Secondly, on the basis of illustration creation, postcards, picture books, mobile phone shells and other applications are added。

Keywords:Illustration, childhood memory, application design

1 背景介绍 6

2 现状分析 6

3 设计目的及意义 6

4 设计方案概述 6

4。1 设计思路 6

4。2 设计内容 7

4。2。1 “青思”童年的记忆插画标志设计 7

4。2。2 “青思”童年的记忆插画图形设计 8

4。2。3 “青思”童年的记忆插画拓展设计 10

5 创新与不足 12

5。1 设计创新 13

5。2 设计不足 13

结论 14

作品完成稿 15

参考文献 19

致谢 20

1 背景介绍源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

一次偶然的机会,我进入了久违的小学母校,使我感触颇深。时过境迁,学校的一切都已经焕然一新。其中最让我感触的是学生的变化。看到他们,就会是我回想到当初的我们。看着他们与我们不同的娱乐活动,想着他们与我们看不同的影视动画、吃不同的零食,突然让我意识到,属于我们90后的童年记忆正慢慢被淡忘了。。。 青思童年的记忆插画设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_198365.html
