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时间:2018-07-12 10:14来源:毕业论文

A Summary of the Domestic and Abroad Research on Country Parks Planning and Design
Abstract:The rapid development of urbanization makes the problem of urban construction become more and more prominent. In recent years, country parks have become an important base for the sustainable preservation of green space in the city and the important foundation of sustainable urban development. They can not only replenish the urban green space for the effective supplement, but also have important meaning of the protection of both natural and semi-natural resources, especially in the suburbs of ecological fragile belt . This paper takes the planning and design of urban country parks as the research object, and summarizes the literatures on the planning and design of country parks in recent years. This paper summarizes the characteristics of urban country parks in terms of design principles, recreational activities and service facilities. By comparing the domestic and abroad research on the construction of country parks, we will reflect insufficient on the design of country parks in China at present. On this basis, we can contact the actual situation of the design site, and to explore the best way of Nanjing Yuhua Yun Country Park planning and design.
Key words:Charm of Yuhua Stone;Country Park;Ecology;Planning and Design
目  录
Key words1
1 综述1
1.1 概念界定 2
1.2 国内外相关文献归纳总结 2
1.2.1 国外2
1.2.2 国内3
1.3 小结5
2 规划设计说明5
2.1 项目概况5
2.1.1 项目背景5
2.1.2 规划设计范围5
2.2 周边交通与环境5
2.2.1 交通条件5
2.2.1 环境条件6
2.3 场地现状6
2.4 设计目标6
2.5 设计原则6
2.6 设计概念与构思6
2.6.1 资源发掘6
2.6.2 项目策划6
2.6.3 村庄整合7
2.6.4 雨花韵特色小镇7
2.6.5 康复养老社区7
2.6.6 矿区生态修复7
2.7 设计内容7
2.7.1 交通道路规划7
2.7.2 水系设计7
2.7.3 湿地设计7
2.7.4 景点及游线设计8
3 结语 8
附录 规划设计图9
引言:基于本次毕业设计内容(南京雨花韵郊野公园规划设计)需要,笔者通过在中国知网搜索主题“郊野公园”检索出相关文献共1600篇,搜索主题“郊野公园规划设计”检索出相关文献共210篇。将这些文献总结分类为国内与国外、生态角度、旅游管理角度、地域特色角度、城市地理学角度以及评论及综述等几大类,并从中选择39篇进行详细总结研究。通过广泛查阅文献的方式,总结概述了郊野公园的概念和功能,综述了国内外相关理论研究的进展、成果及趋势,分析了当前研究的特点并提出了研究建议,以期对本次郊野公园设计提供参考和借鉴。 南京雨花韵郊野公园规划设计:http://www.youerw.com/yishu/lunwen_19553.html