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时间:2022-04-20 22:49来源:毕业论文

摘  要:乐曲《帕米尔的春天》是竹笛曲子中的经典之作,同时也是李大同先生竹笛曲中典型代表作。作品奔放豪迈,盎然生机,悠扬洪亮,富有勃勃的生机,具有鲜明的音乐特征。通过乐曲《帕米尔的春天》的艺术特征为研究点,通过视频观看法,文献查阅法和实践演奏法等方法进行分析,从乐曲的创作条件,结构曲式,旋律特点,吹奏方法以及精神蕴涵等展开解析,多个角度多个方面了解作品精神和乐观zhuyi文明,其艺术特点的解读,对于了解和认识李大同先生乐曲的风格特征有很大的帮助作用,也为广大音乐爱好者和剖析学习李大同先生乐曲提供了理论依据,和指导经验。80084


The music in the spring of the pamir of shallow music features and playing skills

Abstract:Music "the pamir spring" is li datong, a classic masterpiece in music。Works of pure and fresh and free from vulgarity,rising and falling and lively, full of thriving vitality, is a music image。In the art of music in the spring of the pamir characteristic as the research point, through the method of literature review, video watching works, and other methods to study the method and practice, from the creation of the music background, melody structure, melody features, subsections playing skills and mental connotation, everyone understand works of art, the music melody structure is novel, melody and performance when the red army long march unremitting struggle spirit and the optimism, its artistic characteristics of research, to know and understand the style of li datong music has certain help, for the majority of music lovers and music study li datong provides a theoretical basis。

Key words: The flute music; Spring in Pamirs; Li Datong;Music features 

目    录

摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、《帕米尔的春天》的创作背景 2

(一)作者简介 2

(二)创作背景 2

二、乐曲《帕米尔的春天》的音乐特征 2

(一)曲式结构 3

(二)旋律特征 4

   三、乐曲《帕米尔的春天》的吹奏技巧 5

四、乐曲《帕米尔的春天》的艺术价值和历史地位 7

参考文献 8

致谢 9





李大同,著名笛子演奏家,先后担任新疆军区歌舞团副团长和新疆军区歌舞团独奏员。李大同儿时于北京度过,青年时期考入新疆昌吉州文工团,并开始学习音乐音律,理论作曲。其杰出代表作笛子独奏曲《帕米尔的春天》因旋律优美,具有浓厚的少数民族塔吉克族风韵,而闻名于乐坛,并受到民族管乐界的一致好评。此曲运用了塔吉克族民歌的特有节奏7/8拍子,具有浓郁的塔吉克民族风味,在笛曲创作方面,《鹰》《牧区风光》等独具特色,具有强烈的李式风格。 竹笛曲《帕米尔的春天》的音乐特征和吹奏技巧:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_92918.html
