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时间:2022-04-20 22:51来源:毕业论文

摘  要:《黄河大合唱》在抗战时期唤醒民众,鼓舞斗志,是一部弘扬中国民族精神的伟大作品。该部作品不仅在中国受到人民大众的喜爱,也在中国的抗日救亡歌曲中占有重要的地位。《保卫黄河》作为《黄河大合唱》中最能鼓舞志气的一章,以其别具风格的特点,展现了中国抗日游击队的前赴后继,机动灵活,以及把侵略者赶出国家的决心。本文通过欣赏音乐、作品简介、历史及现实意义和参考大量文献和音乐文学知识并结合自己观点,通过对《黄河大合唱》中的《保卫黄河》的艺术表现进行浅析,希望大家能够对中华民族伟大的抗日战争歌曲有更深入的了解。80085


Analyses of artistic expression of the Yellow River chorus

-- to defend the Yellow River as an example

Abstract: In the Anti-Japanese War period of the Yellow River chorus awaken people, inspiring morale, is a great work of carrying forward Chinese national spirit。It works not only loved by the people in China, also in China occupies an important position in the anti-japan war。their songs。Defend the Yellow River is the seventh of the Yellow River chorus music, with its characteristics in style, showed the advance wave upon wave of China's anti-japanese guerrilla, flexible, and the determination of the aggressors out of country。Based on the appreciation of music, introduction, historical and realistic meaning and reference a large number of literature and music literature and combined with their point of view, through the analyses of artistic expression of the Yellow River chorus, hope that we can for the Chinese nation great songs have a deeper understanding of the Anti-Japanese War。

Key words:  Yellow River cantata ; Art performance ;The national spirit ;Defend the Yellow River


摘  要 1

Abstract 1

一、《黄河大合唱》创作背景 2

二、《保卫黄河》的艺术特征 3

(一)《保卫黄河》曲式结构分析 3

(二)《保卫黄河》的音乐表现 4

三、《黄河大合唱》蕴含的意义 7

(一)深远的历史意义 7

(二)广博的现实意义 8

参考文献 9

致谢 10



