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时间:2021-10-30 10:11来源:毕业论文




Abstract:Music Appreciation, with the power of music to cultivate human access to correct aesthetic point of view, high moral character and appreciate beauty, to enhance the ability to create effective educational way through music aesthetics moved physically and mentally, to be purified, sublimation, and make improvement。 At the elementary level, sound education is to raise the students 'ability to appreciate beauty through sound education so that students' aesthetic activity and aesthetic creations healthy development。

    This paper discussed the significance of culture elementary grades one to three students aesthetic ability as well as through the relevant music education affect students ideological and moral growth process, personal qualities as argument, and secondly in the creation of multimedia music classroom, enjoy the works, group learning in the classroom teaching methods to help students improve their grades one to three musical ability aesthetic basis。 Thus, understanding the actual teaching, the effective perception of the aesthetic concept of music instilled into the minds of students, and to enable students to be keenly aware of the beauty of music, it is one of the teacher should do the necessary teaching。 Aiming to guide and inspire low-older students for aesthetic ability of music, from the students' age characteristics starting to explore for new music education Practical exploration, hoping to inspire students from the United States of taste and appreciation, as well as understanding the capacities to music aesthetic ability to enhance many of the details。 

Keywords: Aesthetic ability, music education, perception


1  前言 3

2  音乐审美能力 3

2。1音乐审美能力的概念 4

2。2音乐审美能力的内涵 5

3  提高低年级学生音乐审美能力的意义 5

3。1 培养低年级学生高尚的思想道德 5

3。2丰富低年级学生的情感世界 6

3。3培养低年级学生的想象力和创作力 7

4如何培养低年级学生的音乐审美能力 7

4。1利用多媒体创设情节 7

4。2在合作学习中丰富审美体验 浅谈小学一年级至三年级学生音乐审美能力的培养:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_83954.html
