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时间:2021-03-27 22:17来源:毕业论文

摘 要:随着我国音乐事业的不断发展,以学生群体建设起来的民族管弦乐队越来越多。然而,学生群体区别于专业职业乐团,具有流动性和演奏水平参差等问题。并且,学生乐团不像职业乐团那样拥有保障性的后勤部门和较充足的资金来运行,因而,学生乐团的建设过程中必然存在许多限制和阻碍。新加坡近年来在民族管弦乐队的建设上,获得了举世瞩目的成就。本文在结合笔者与新加坡南洋艺术学院交流学习的基础上,对如何更好的训练学生民族管弦乐团的方法进行探讨。64600


Abstract:Along with the continuous development of Chinese music career ,more and more National Orchestras based on the student groups are being built. However, student community is different from the professional orchestra,with problems about mobility and different performance level of qualities. In addition, student orchestra is not as strong as the logistics department and the abundant funds to run as a professional orchestra. There must be many limitations and obstacles in the course of the construction of student orchestra. Student orchestras now are facing a large number of challenges in the process of their construction. The good is ,Singapore,has gained remarkable achievements in building the National Orchestra recently

Based on the author's fieldwork and investigation,combined with the exchange learning experience with the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, some advice on how to build a better student orchestra will be elaborated in this paper.

Keywords:orchestra by student; Singapore; construction of Chinese Orchestra; reference

目  录

1 绪论 3

1.1 研究缘起 3

1.2  研究意义 3

1.3  研究现状综述 3

1.4  研究方法 3

2  乐团训练管理制度 4

2.1  乐团概况 4

2.2  学分制度 4

2.3  考勤制度 4

2.4  自主管理制度 5

3  乐团训练科学方法 6

3.1  座位交换 6

3.2  读谱习惯 7

3.3  分谱练习 8

4  乐团训练演出中问题的处理及对策 9

4.1  台风的表现 9

4.2  意外情况的处理 10

结  论 11

参考文献 12

致  谢 13

1  绪论

1.1 研究缘起


    2015年5月,笔者就读学校举办了与新加坡南洋艺术学院联合演出的《新韵国乐》专场音乐会。在与来自新加坡同行们排练演出的过程中,笔者与他们进行了交流,了解到许多他们与国内学生乐团平日合奏训练上的不同之处。笔者在新加坡乐团演奏员们身上看到的对乐团训练的先进理念、严谨的态度、科学的训练方法,受益颇丰。 新加坡南洋艺术学院华乐室内乐团训练模式探究:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_72004.html
