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时间:2020-08-23 10:18来源:毕业论文

摘  要:现如今学习古筝的学生越来越多,然而绝大多数都在盲目追求乐曲的难度和技巧,忽略了精神层面。演奏过程中能否将观众带入音乐的意境中去,是否能够感染观众,“气息”至关重要。“气”贯穿于整个乐曲之中,控制情感的表达。因此本文我选择具有代表性的乐曲《秋望》作为课题的研究对象,首先从广义的角度阐述下“气”的概念,从而引入到与古筝的关联,之后从“气”的两个大方面展开诠释,一个是“调气”,一个是“贯气”。气息离不开呼吸,同时强调呼吸在弹奏中起到的作用如:控制强弱、分乐句、艺术效果、音色的变化、手臂力度的畅通等。再结合乐曲《秋望》具体分析。54660


Abstract: At present, more and more students begin to learn Chinese zither. However, a large amount of them ignore the spiritual aspect of music, but pursue the difficulty and skills. “Breath” plays a very important role in the process of playing that whether audience can be taken in to the situation of music and whether the music can infect the audience. “Breath” goes throughout the whole music and controls emotional expression. As a result, this paper selects the representative composition “Qiu Wang” as the research subject. Firstly, it elaborates the concepts of “breath”, and discuss the relationship between “breath” and Chinese zither, then explain “breath” from the two aspects as “adjust breath” and “pass breath”. “Breath” can not be separated from breathe, which emphasizes the role of breathe plays in playing, such as control strong and weak, pide phrase, artistic effect, change of tone, and smooth of arm strength, etc. Finally, the paper analyzes in detail with the combination of “Qiu Wang”.

Keywords: breath, playing, music, expression, charm 

目  录

1 前言 4

2 气是什么? 4

3 运动是气的重要特征之一 4

4 气与古筝演奏 4

4.1 气息在演奏中起到的作用 5

4.2 探究古筝曲《秋望》----引子(起始动作配合运气) 5

4.3 《秋望》过渡乐段的气息运用及“泛音”的气息处理 5

4.4 乐曲主旋律(控制气息强弱) 6

4.5 乐曲的高潮即快板(快速深呼吸) 6

4.6 主旋律再现(保持气的通畅) 7

4.7 结束部分(换气) 7

4.8 贯气 7

5 如何获得良好的气 8

6 气息的控制运用与演奏者的生理、心理相互影响 8

7 气息对乐曲抑扬顿挫的指导意义 9

结  论 10

参考文献 11

致  谢 12

1 前言


关于气的研究是一门大学问。我国自西周开始,历代文献都有不少哲学家解释“气”现象的论说记载。随着现代科学的突飞猛进的发展,研究对象从宏观向微观深入,对气的探索范围也逐渐扩大。所以仅对在古筝演奏中与“气”的相关问题提出一些感悟与实践认识。 浅谈古筝弹奏时的气息运用《秋望》:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_58885.html
