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时间:2020-10-02 19:41来源:毕业论文

摘要:近年来,国家教育制度的改革与教学形式的创新一直倍受社会关注,声乐教学是全面提高学生德智体美综合发展的重要途径,随着时代的发展,声乐教学手段也应该顺应历史的脚步,不断改革创新。本文以教育理论为基础,结合实际教学经验,具体分析了当前我国声乐教学事业中存在的问题与漏洞,并为声乐教学中的教学创新与师生互动提出了几点改进措施,希望为教育管理者提供参考与借鉴,以有效提高我国学生的审美水平与道德修养。文中有错漏之处,敬请各位老师与学者们加以指正。 57471


Abstract:In recent years, the reform and innovation of teaching in the form of the national education system has been much public concern, vocal teaching is an important way to improve the overall development of students and physically integrated with the development of the times, vocal music teaching methods should follow the historical footsteps continuous reform and innovation. In this paper, based on the theory of education, combined with practical teaching experience, a detailed analysis of the cause of vocal teaching the existing problems and vulnerabilities, and innovative teaching vocal music teacher-student interaction in teaching and made several improvements, hope for the education management provide information and reference, the text has errors and omissions, please fellow teachers and scholars to be corrected.

Keywords:Vocal music teaching,educational theory, problems and vulnerabilities, improvements

目 录

1  前言 1

1.1  研究背景 1

1.2  研究意义 1

2  声乐教学理论 1

3. 教学创新手段 2

3.1  乐器伴奏辅助教学 2

3.2  利用科技手段改变教学环境 2

3.3  开展情景式教学 3

3.4  创新教学内容 3

4  加强师生互动 3

4.1  启发性教学 3

4.2  鼓励学生大胆创作 4

4.3  注重语言艺术 4

4.4  丰富课内活动 4

4.5  结合生活 5

结 论 6

参考文献 7

致 谢 8

1  前言

1.1  研究背景


    放眼国外发达国家,其声乐教学中对学生创新能力的培养值得我们学习,同时发达国家的声乐教学不仅注重因材施教,还看重对学生的多元化发展,不拘泥于传统的教学模式,在课堂中推陈出新,使得课堂气氛积极活跃[1]。而目前我国部分地区的声乐教学依旧停留在单纯教授学生音律与歌曲的层面上,这种现象需要引起教育机构与教师的深入思考与探索。 声乐教学中的教学创新与师生互动:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_62225.html
