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时间:2020-07-27 21:18来源:毕业论文



Abstract: The General Secretary Jiang Zemin at the second national education conference that : education should be " to improve the quality of the people as the fundamental purpose, to Peiyan students' innovation spirit and practice ability as the key. " An important symbol of modernization of teaching is practice, it is the power and source of social progress and human development, to grasp the concepts and characteristics of innovation, and appropriately to music education in the whole process of creative transformation, which reflects the characteristics of the teaching innovation system and mode, promote the development of students' practical ability. Music education is an important part of quality education, practical ability is the focus of the music teaching. This paper discusses the importance of cultivating students' practical ability in the teaching of music, and combined with the practice, puts forward some how to cultivate the practice ability of the students and teaching methods.

Keywords:Music teaching, Students, Practical ability,Innovative thinking;

目  录

1  绪论 5

1.1  研究现状 5

1.2 为何要求在小学音乐教学中提高学生的动手能力 5

1.3 小学音乐实践能力教学的现实情况 6

2  为何要提高学生实践能力 6

2.1当今小学音乐教学的理念 6

2.1.1 原则性 6

2.1.2 自主性 6

2.1.3 发展性 7

2.1.4 理论性 7

2.1.5 实践性 7

2.2 动手能力的重要性 7

3  小学音乐教学中提高学生的实践能力存在的问题 7

3.1 教师力量的缺乏 7

3.2 教师认识的缺乏,导致专业能力缺乏 8

3.2.1 音乐课堂教育 8

3.2.2 缺少课外组织音乐活动的机会 8

3.3 学生参加课外活动的局限 8

3.4 专业书本的缺少 8

4  小学音乐教育如何提高学生的实践能力 9

4.1开展多种教育方式、激发兴趣 9

4.1.1 采用乐器帮助教学,提高节奏和律动能力 9

4.1.2 教学中加强节奏的训练 9

4.1.3 利用先进的教学工作,启发兴趣 9

4.2 为学生营造创新氛围、激发创作兴趣 小学音乐教学提高学生实践能力的方法及重要性:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_56984.html
