
当前位置: 毕业论文 > 音乐舞蹈论文 >


时间:2024-03-19 22:55来源:毕业论文

摘 要:在我国西北的新疆地区,居住着一个能歌善舞的少数民族,他们就是维吾尔族。在历史的长河中,这里是一个文化交流的重要场所,因此,在这片土地上形成了十分丰厚的历史文化遗产,其中,最值得大家关注的就是维吾尔族的歌舞艺术。每一个民族的舞蹈都有着不一样的特征,舞蹈本身蕴含的特点也各不一样,不同的舞蹈能够在一定的程度上反映出各个民族的文化,对于维吾尔族舞蹈来说也是如此。相比较于其他民族的舞蹈,维吾尔族的民间舞蹈有着自己的独特特征,“旋转”这一特征是维吾尔族舞蹈中常见的一种技法,这种技法充分展现了他们热情、勇敢的个性特征。本课题以这种技法为切入点,研究其特点和应用。首先,对于研究背景和意义以及目前的研究现状进行梳理,其次,对“旋转”的技巧进行解析,探究其背后的审美特征,最后,结合实践,探讨其在舞蹈中的具体应用。最终,让更多的人了解维族民间舞蹈中的“旋转”的这一特征,也让更多的舞者和喜欢维族民间舞的爱好者能够掌握到维族民间舞蹈的这一精髓所在。94782


Abstract : In China's northwestern region of Xinjiang, inhabited by both ethnic groups, they are uighur。 In history, there is an important place for a cultural exchange, therefore, in this piece of land formed a very rich historical and cultural heritage, the most worthy of attention is the Uygur song and dance art。 Every national dance has different characteristics, characteristics of the dance itself is also not the same, different dance can reflect the culture of various nationalities in a certain extent, it is also true for dancing。 Compared to other ethnic dance, Uygur folk dance has its unique features, the "rotation" of this feature is a common technique of Uygur dance, this technique is full of personality characteristics of their passion and courage。 In this paper, the characteristics and application of this technique are studied。 First of all, to sort out the research background and significance and the current research status of the second, analysis of the rotating skills, aesthetic features, explore the underlying finally, combined with the practice, to explore its application in the dance。 In the end, let more people understand the characteristics of the "rotation" in Uygur folk dance, but also to allow more dancers and lovers of Uygur folk dance to grasp the essence of the folk dance。

Key words: Uygur dance; rotation; characteristics; application

目 录

1 前言 2

1。1 研究背景 2

1。2 研究意义 2

1。3 研究现状及创新之处 2

2 维吾尔族舞蹈中“旋转”技巧的产生及类别 3

2。1 “旋转”技巧的产生 3

2。2 “旋转”技巧的类别 3

3 维吾尔族舞蹈中“旋转”技法的特点 5

3。1 挺而不僵的体态 5

3。2 松而不懈的律动 5

3。3 连续旋转的舞姿 5

4 “旋转”技法在维吾尔族舞蹈中的运用 6

4。1 “旋转”动作与其它动作的配合 6

4。2 维吾尔族舞蹈“旋转”运用的具体实例 论维吾尔族舞蹈中旋转的特点及运用:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_202896.html
