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时间:2024-02-08 09:33来源:毕业论文

摘 要:游戏在幼儿园活动中具有无可替代的地位,《幼儿园工作规程》中明确规定了:“以游戏为基本活动,寓教育于各项活动之中”。通过将游戏融入音乐教学活动的方式,不仅调动了幼儿对音乐活动的兴趣,也符合幼儿的内在需求和身心发展水平,使幼儿在愉悦中获得本领。本文从分析音乐游戏的概念切入,音乐游戏对于幼儿有许多积极的意义,其有利于发展幼儿的情绪理解能力,促进幼儿的想象力和创造力,在一定程度上提高幼儿的社会交往能力,培养幼儿的音乐素养。笔者认为在音乐游戏的教育中存在着幼儿园音乐设备不完善,教师专业素质有待提高,家长对音乐教育存在误解等问题,为了使幼儿音乐教育能够不断完善和发展,应该分析音乐游戏中存在的问题,并结合实际,提出详细的解决对策。93681


Abstract: The game has an irreplaceable position in kindergarten activities, and The Regulations of the Kindergarten Works clearly stipulates :'the game is basic activity。 The education is in various activities。' Through the game into the music teaching activities, not only to mobilize the children's interest in music activities, but also meet the inherent needs of children and physical and mental development level, so that children get the skills in pleasure。 This article from the analysis of the concept of music game cut, music games for children have many positive significance, which is conducive to the development of children's emotional understanding, promote children's imagination and creativity, to a certain extent, improve children's social communication skills, Children's musical literacy。 In order to make children's music education can improve and develop, it is necessary to analyze the problems in the music game。 In order to make the children's music education can improve and develop, the author thinks that there are some problems in the music game education , Combined with the actual, put forward a detailed solution。

Keywords:music game,preschool,problem,solution

目  录

1引言 3

2音乐游戏的概念 3

2。1音乐游戏的定义 3

2。2音乐游戏的分类 3

2。3音乐与游戏的关系 4

3音乐游戏在幼儿教育中的意义 4

3。1发展幼儿情绪理解能力 4

3。2促进幼儿的想象力和创造力 5

3。3 提高幼儿的社会交往能力 5

3。4 培养幼儿的音乐素养 6

4音乐游戏在幼儿教育中存在的问题 6

4。1幼儿园音乐设备不完善 6

4。2教师专业素质有待提高 6

4。3家长对音乐教育存在误解 7

4。4幼儿演唱水平差异大 7

5音乐游戏在幼儿教育中存在问题的解决对策 7

5。1创设良好的音乐教学设施 7

5。2提升教师专业素质 8

5。3加强家长的重视 8

5。4不同幼儿差别指导 9

结   论 音乐游戏在幼儿教育中存在的问题及解决对策:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_201568.html
