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时间:2023-12-27 22:59来源:毕业论文

摘  要:中国有五千年的文化底蕴,在五千年中,给后人留下了无穷无尽的文化财富。其中竹笛是中国最古老的乐器之一。笛是中国最具特色的吹奏乐器之一。竹笛是我们国家最古老的民族的乐器中的一种,在中国五千年的文化历史舞台上有着很重要的地位,经过了无数人的努力,从刚开始的作为一个伴奏的乐器出现在历史舞台,到了现在的独奏获主奏的乐器。竹笛在受到了地域文化的影响,逐渐慢慢的形成了“南派”和“北派”,而且每个流派都有自己的演奏风格。本文从竹笛曲《牧民新歌》分析开始,结合演奏的风格特点来对整个曲子展开论述。并通过南北风格和特点的融合分析曲子,体会这首曲子的风格和特点。92342


Abstract:Five thousand years of Chinese cultural background, in five thousand, left behind endless cultural wealth to the future generations。 The bamboo flute is one of the oldest Musical Instruments in China。 Flute is one of the most distinctive playing Musical Instruments in China。 Bamboo flute as one of the traditional ethnic Musical Instruments in our country, on the stage of the Chinese fully shows its artistic charm, with the efforts of countless people, and the original to the opera and vocal accompaniment instrument developed into the now often solo folk instrument on the stage。 Since the modern times, bamboo flute is influenced by regional folk custom and life circumstance, gradually formed a "south" and "north" two major schools, and gradually formed a unique play style。This paper begins with the analysis of the bamboo flute song "the new song of the herder", and discusses the whole song in combination with the style of play。 Through the integration of the north and south style and characteristics, the style and characteristics of the song are realized 

Keywords:Bamboo flute, play, genre,style

目   录

1  前言…  3

2  《牧民新歌》中南派演奏风格及技巧的运用…   3

2。1  引子部分…  3

2。2  第一部分…   5

3 《牧民新歌》中北派演奏风格及技巧的运用…  6

4  竹笛发展流派的融合7

4。1  气息运用方面…7

4。2  手指运用方面…7

结论 … 9

参考文献 。 10

致谢   11

1 前言论文网


《牧民新歌》是由著名竹笛作曲家曲广易在1966年把内蒙古伊克昭盟民歌音调作为创作的素材所创作的曲子。这个作品有着很浓郁的地域文化特色和地方民族民间音乐的风格特点。这首曲子旋律亲切优美,并有很深的感情色彩。这首曲子的活泼欢快的节奏表现了在具有美丽风光的内蒙古大草原上欢快的牧民骑着马儿放牧的热闹场面。表现了在新的时期牧民的美好的精神面貌。 竹笛曲《牧民新歌》演奏风格和技巧中的流派融合:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_199987.html
