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时间:2023-11-08 21:41来源:毕业论文



Abstract : Young children to dance dance education, in order to improve the interest and hobbies, cultivate a child's sensibility to dance the beautiful, expressive force and the primary taste, creativity, so as to promote children's health, healthy personality and healthy personality, promote the comprehensive development。In the way of many dance teaching, "programming" teaching, the teaching result and teaching effect is remarkable。"Programming" teaching adopts the unification of teaching materials and teaching plan, the various teaching links and teaching methods, standardization, streamline the teachers and students in the dance class, step-by-step, through constant practice, to achieve the teaching goal of the course。And easy to teach the students know what to learn, how to learn, to simplify a lot of unnecessary red tape。But this kind of teaching methods, there are also many problems need to be further perfect。

Keywords:Children's dance,stylized teaching,training institutions

1前言 3

2“程式化”舞蹈教学概述 3

3舞蹈“程式化”的教学意义 4

3。1“程式化”教学的科学性 4

3。2“程式化”教学的创造性 5

3。3“程式化”教学的可操作性 5

4南京小银星艺术团“程式化”教学的实践 5

4。1教学内容 5

4。2教学方法 6

4。3教学评价 6

5对舞蹈培训中“程式化”教学的思考 7

5。1“程式化”教学不利于舞蹈的更新 7

5。2“程式化”教学不利于幼儿的个性发展 7

5。3“程式化”教学阻碍舞蹈教师创造性地发挥 8

5。4对舞蹈“程式化”教学的建议 8

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

1 前言源G于J优L尔V论N文M网WwW.youeRw.com 原文+QQ75201`8766

幼儿,泛指3到6岁的儿童。这个年龄区间的孩子,在动作发展方面,具有了一定的平衡能力和动作协调力,具备自己的审美观念和探索能力的同时,已表现出对自己喜爱事物的爱慕和追寻。再加上如今如火如荼的艺术教育宣传,家长的强制参与于以及攀比心理,孩子的兴趣和爱好被夸大或者错位理解,面向幼儿的舞蹈培训机构在这种形势下,应运而生并快速发展。 幼儿舞蹈培训中的程式化教学南京小银星艺术团为例:http://www.youerw.com/yinyue/lunwen_198371.html
